Part 1 The Gift

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Everyone else in my class other than my bestie, Saidy, and myself seemed rather bored. But that is because oceanography isn't a subject that should be taken lightly. It's a study of humanity's impact on our planet. The roots of our problems in society today, the truth behind global warming, water pollution, and the reason why we must learn to take care of our planet if we wish to continue to live here and survive.

This class has been a real eye-opener for me, never before did I realize the world was such a messed up place and who's at fault is ourselves. But it hasn't been all doom and gloom, I've learned how to fix the issues. For instance, instead of having our world powered by fossil fuels, and making more plastic to build everything, we can use solar and hydrogen power, and recycle the plastic we've already made.

This is merely the tip of the iceberg for all I have learned in this class, but this story isn't about what I've learned. No, this is a story about the one who's taught me this class. The best teacher I've ever known. A man who changed my world forever, Elon Musk.

To keep things short and simple, Elon and I, my friend Saidy too, are like three peas in a pod. We get along great, and we're close. Sure, we are his best students, but only because we are as passionate about the sea and the well-being of our home planet as he is. The other people in the class are just here for some easy credits for college, not to save the world. So that's what makes Saidy and I different for the most part.

The class had just wrapped up for the day, the other students gathered their things, said goodbye, and left. Saidy and I stayed to speak with Elon. This was our last day of class, and summer vacation had just begun. Thus the other students were eager to leave. Saidy said farewell to Elon and I, as we knew this would be the last time we would meet in class. Additionally, she was eager to leave for Saidy had to scram because she had to go home for a trip she and her boyfriend had been planning for months.

So once she left, it was just Elon and I.

"Seems like everyone's got some place to be but you (y/n)," Elon says as he gathers the papers from the finals his students had placed there.

"Well, I don't have anything to hurry for. No boyfriends or fancy vacations for me," I giggle and then gather together the notebooks, textbook, and pencils I had on my desk. "I don't think I've told you and Saidy, but I'm taking that little old yacht I've been fixing up for the past ten years and going to sail him up and down the Pacific. I've been saving my change since I was a kid," Elon grins. I then asked him how long he'd be gone for, and he said at least till October.

"Are you sure Fred will be up for such a journey?" I question. Fred is the name Elon and I had both picked out for his little yacht. "Yeppers, I took him out in the bay last week and he did well. Also, while I was in Florence, I picked you up a little something. I'm actually glad Saidy left early because I've been dying to give this to you," Elon smiles broadly, "I hope you like it," he says as he walks over to me, swaying just slightly to the left as he did so.

His gait is a little odd at times, he has Asperger's syndrome, also known as high-functioning autism. So he tends to talk a little monotone at times, and has his moments where he goes off into his head thinking deep thoughts about important matters. He also tends to be very open with his thoughts, to the point he can seem downright harsh and cold. But only because he speaks the solid straight truth. Nonetheless, Elon is the brightest, most intelligent human being I've ever known and I'm honored to have him as a teacher and friend. I love and adore him just the way he is.

Elon presented me with a little black box he'd pulled from the pocket of his light grey tweed jacket and placed it gingerly in my hands which were rather small compared to his. I opened it up and found a beautiful sterling silver pendant that was a spotted seal, which just so happens to be both our favorite animals.

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