I put the pelt on a chair in my hotel room. Then I changed my clothes which were a little damp from hanging around the sea all day. Next, I got in my Cybertruck, Cyberius, and went out to dinner. Since I didn't really know what I wanted to eat for dinner, I asked Cyberius to surprise me.
It's fun having a car that can drive itself and even hold up conversations. It was like riding around with KITT from the Knight Rider TV series that aired in the 1980s. I got to watch the series via DVD when I grew up, the same goes for a lot of older TV shows.
Anyway, my Cybertruck, Cyberius, drove me to a nice Thai restaurant. I went inside and got myself a mildly spicy stir fry with a combination of shellfish and salmon. Good input. As I sat down inside, I noticed it started to rain outside. There was a storm I saw blowing in earlier before I left, and so now it must've finally hit.
The wind picked up and blew the rain sideways. Just a typical oceanic storm for Oregon. I moved to the coast not long after I got kicked out of home for being pregnant when I was 18. Fortunately, I was able to live with my friend Saidy until I had the baby and was able to work my job for a while longer until I got my fast almost indestructible big-ass Cybertruck. After that, I moved the baby and myself into the truck and we went to live on the coast.
I've always wanted to live a nomadic lifestyle, and so this was my way to do it. And the perks of having Cyberius was that he could keep the baby safe while I worked as a maid at the hotel I'm staying in now.
Now don't think I left a robotic car to take care of my precious little boy. That was where I placed him when he needed to nap during the day. I had Cyberius call me with my smart watch whenever little Elon woke up. So then I'd go out and get him and bring him back inside with me while I worked my butt off.
Fortunately, the manager of the hotel, Vanessa, let me charge Cyberius at night for free just because of my situation. That helped big time, and later the manager offered me to stay in a vacant room whenever she had one available; free of charge.
Vanessa knew being a single mom was hard as hell because she went through a similar situation when she was in her 20s.
The money I made and have since has gone towards taking care of myself and my kid. But now that little Elonius has grown up and has his own life, I have a little extra cash for travel. Alright, enough about the past and my nomadic lifestyle.
As I sat eating my Thai input and watched the storm, my mind went back to the pelt I had found earlier, yet my train of thought was interrupted when I saw a man out of the corner of my eye take a seat. I turned my head just enough so that I could get a look at the fellow. He was dressed in a long black coat, the type a fisherman might wear aboard a ship. His pants matched and he had boots on. His hair was damp from the rain but looked to be dark brown in color. His face looked familiar, but I couldn't think of a name nor where I'd seen this man before. He looked to be in his late 40s. The stranger picked up a menu and scanned it over with his narrow eyes that exhibited the green color of kelp, and curved his somewhat thin lips into a slight frown as if he didn't know what to order.
The man must've sensed me looking at him because he suddenly looked in my direction. Quickly, I turned my head back to my menu and pretended like I wasn't just staring him down. Yet even after doing so, I could still feel his burning gaze upon me. I wanted to look back, but I didn't. Who is this man? I ask myself.
Just then, the waitress appears and asks for my order. So I ordered my food, and then she went to the familiar man who was sitting on the other side of the room and took his order. We were the only two at the restaurant that night, and fortunately, he left before I did. He was making me nervous for some reason, but for what I didn't understand. He wasn't scary, or anything, no, he was a tall, well-built, handsome middle-aged man. It was probably just my instincts trying to get me all fired up to find myself a new man. But humans have been gifted the ability to not act upon instinct for every situation, so I was able to ignore my primitive intentions.
Once I finished my meal, I paid the bill and walked outside. The sky was pouring and the wind had gotten stronger, one gust was so powerful that it knocked me over, yet before I landed on my left hip, my hand was grabbed by a much larger, stronger one. I look up and I am face to face with that man. He pulled me back up and another gust blew me towards him and I landed in his arms. "Where's your car?" he asks. I then pointed to the large angular truck of mine and from there he walked me to my car.
No matter how hard a gust would blow, this man wouldn't falter. Myself, on the other hand, I was like a toothpick in comparison and couldn't take the blows. I thanked him once I got to Cyberius and got in. Before the truck automatically shut the door, the man and I exchanged looks again. His eyes, those dark green eyes, I've looked into them before. Then, at that moment, a bolt of lightning flickered across the sky, illuminating the man's familiar features before he turned and strode off into the darkness. And then I realized the man looked like Elon, only aged.
Cyberius drove me back to the hotel, all the while I couldn't get the man's face out of my head. I knew Elon was gone, but the resemblance is uncanny. Maybe he just has a doppelgänger? Supposedly we all do. So perhaps I saw Elon's. Yet at the same time, the fact that it's been 18 years since I last saw him made me think otherwise. Maybe that man is Elon and surely he would look older since the last time I saw him. Heck, even I look older since the last time he saw me. I needed to go back to the restaurant. Maybe he would still be there. I have to know if that man was Elon! So I instructed my Cybertruck to take me back to that Thai food joint and Cyberius did just so.
Once I got there, I got out of the truck and began looking for the man. I wasn't but a few miles down the road since I'd left about 5 minutes ago so there's a chance he was still around. The rain soaked my gray wool coat, and the wind gusts prevented me from keeping my hood on. I didn't care about getting wet. I've gotten drenched plenty of times before, and more importantly, I had to find him.
I searched around the premises and wandered the streets of the small town the return to was located in. I even went down to the beach, despite it being quite dark and hard to see through all the rain. The ocean seemed angry and the waves looked menacing. Lighting occasionally illuminated the sky, and the wind howled. But there was another sound. I could hear seals. Many seals. Their sounds seemed to come from all around. Hissing, and growling, along with chuffs and the high-pitched calls they do mostly underwater.
And when a bolt of lightning flashed overhead, illuminating the beach and sea below, I saw spotted seals of all sorts of colors and sizes. They were in the water, on the rocks, and all over the beach. It was so strange to see them all let alone hear them.
Another bolt lit up the sky and then I saw him! He was amongst a group of seals on the rocks, only he wore no clothes from what I could tell. "Elon!" I called out, hoping he could hear me amongst the noise. With the town's lights just barely illuminating the dark clouds above and knowledge of the dark spots of the shores and rocks being seals, I was able to see and get over to the man I presumed to be Elon. I called out his name again, and he looked my way this time. But once he saw me, he fled and disappeared into the darkness and rain.

The Tide Returns - An Elon Musk Fanfiction
Fiksi PenggemarA forbidden relationship takes place between Elon Musk, your Oceanography teacher, and you, a student. And then tragedy strikes at sea that changes your life. Warning Labels: Elon Musk x Reader, NSFW, 18+, THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION. Features: R...