Chapter 2

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I wake up from my dream. It was about my first day of school. I met this guy and he was really.. really sweet. Thats all i can remember though. I wish something like that would come true.

    I get up and take a shower, brush my teeth, and I start to get ready. I'm really worried about today. I hope it goes well. I only had one friend at my old school, but she never wanted to be around me in public. She says im too embarrassing to hang out with in public, so i was always alone and ate lunch in the empty library. My old school really was hell to me.

  I finish getting ready and walk upstairs to the kitchen where my parents waited for me. "Hey y/n, what do you want for breakfast? We have fruit or cereal right now." my mom said. "I'm fine, Mom. I don't want to be late.. and i think they have breakfast there anyways." I added.

    Soon it gets to the time when I need to leave. I finish tying my shoes and I walk out the door while yelling "Okay Mom and Dad im leaving for school, love ya!".

    I get in my trashy car and start driving to my new school. "This better be worth it cause I literally made my parents move for this..." I muttered to myself.

    A few minutes after driving, I finally arrive at school. Theres two buildings to the school. The office is a small cabin-like building next to the main part of the school. I park near the office and jump out. I hope they've been expecting me so I don't have to make my introduction awkward.

    I walk into the office to see the office lady in her seat and some short guy in front of her desk. Why does he kind of look like- "Y/n, we've been waiting for you! Welcome!! This handsome boy is going to give you a tour around for your first day." the office lady stated loudly. I only smiled and thanked her. I wasn't exactly sure what to respond with.

    The short boy turns around and says "Hey, I'm-" "Josh Hutcherson?!" I interrupt. "Oh, i see you know who I am", he smiles.

    I can only stand there staring at him debating whether this is real or not. "Well, are you going to stare at me like a puppy or let me show you around?" He laughs. "I'm sorry, uhh yeah." I reply, trying not to lose focus again. There's no way. Josh Hutcherson is giving me a tour around the school.

    He walks me into the other building. "So, your name is y/n, right?" He said. "Thats me.." i reply. "That's a beautiful name." He remarked, making me blush and hide my face. "Thank you, Josh."

The day went by super fast. I didn't even have to go to any classes, they just let me talk to Josh the whole day, surprisingly. We sat on the roof top half the time and we talked and talked. Turns out we both have so much in common.

    We're still talking as we get interrupted from the last bell. "It's already time to leave I guess." He stated. "Yeah.. thank you so much for being so nice to me.. nobody has ever been this sweet before." I clarified. "Of course, y/n. I guess we both have a new best friend now." He laughed. He was actually the sweetest boy ever, and the fact that he's a celebrity makes it 10x crazier.

    "Oh yeah and before we leave, can I get your number?" He asks. "Yes!" I scream.
He pulls out his phone and lets me type my number in. I guess dreams really do come true.

    I get home and run down to my room. I wait and wait and wait for him to text me. I wonder if he was just trying to be nice. I wonder if he thinks im weird or crazy.

    A few hours pass and my parents finally get home. I tell them about everything that happened today. "Mom, Dad! You guys know that one actor, Josh Hutcherson, right?" I say. They just look at me all confused. "Yes, why?" "He goes to my school and now he's my best friend!" I say, but of course. They don't believe me. "Okay listen, I know that sounds crazy. But trust me. You'll believe me soon." I mention, trying to think of a way to make them believe me. They'll have to see when i bring him over.

(Look, i know this one sucked ass but i wrote it at 2am 😭😭)

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