Chapter 3

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It's the next day at school and today's the day I actually have to go to my classes. I walk into the halls trying to find Josh since I didn't really meet anyone yesterday. I continue walking and I see Josh but he's talking to a girl i don't know. I felt a little jealous.. he was my only friend at the moment.

    I walked up to them. "Hey y/n!" Josh looks at me. "This is Jennifer, she's a really close friend." Shes so pretty, I wonder if they're dating.. they look perfect together.

    She smiles at me and says "soo im guessing you're y/n! Josh told me a lot about you. He thinks you're as beautiful as a model." "I never said that!" He yelled, covering Jennifers mouth. "Really? Thank you Josh." I laugh nervously, blushing. Jennifer seems really nice. "Hey i think the bell is about to ring in a minute, we should get to our classes. I can help y/n with her schedule." Jennifer screeched. "Alright I'll see you guys later, I need to get to my locker." Josh said, walking off.

    Jennifer held my schedule looking for what I had first period. "Looks like you have history first." "Oh okay, can you help me find that? I forgot where it was." I murmur. "Well yeah that's why I'm here, to help you find your classes!" She giggled.

    While we were talking, I wanted to see if Josh actually liked me. At my old school, a few times the boys would be nice just to humiliate me in the end. It's hard to trust people now, I don't even know if I can trust Jennifer. Before walking in history, i ask "Jennifer, do you think Josh likes me? Like.. as a friend?" "Oh y/n, I think he has a literal crush on you, girlie. That might just be me jumping to conclusions but he definitely does like you." She smiled at me. "Okay." I really do hope thats true.

    I walk into history just as the bell rings. I'm glad I wasn't late. I stand there awkwardly not knowing where to sit as the teacher yells almost right in my ear. "Alright class shut up! We have a new student. I need all your attention on her." She looks at me. "My name is Ms. Kelley, now tell the class about yourself."

    I look around the class for a moment nervously, I see that surprisingly, Josh is in the same class, sitting in the back making eye contact with me. Suddenly half of my nervousness was gone. I smile at the class, saying " Hi, my name is y/n. I just moved here from Washington and I hope that I can make some new friends here." I look to Josh in the back and he gives me a thumbs up. I suppose my introduction wasn't that bad. It still felt a little awkward.

     As I'm walking down the class near an open seat, Josh whispered something to the girl next to him making the girl switch spots. He motions me to sit next to him so I do. "What did you say to that girl? She looked pretty frightened at whatever you told her." I ask, quietly. He looks at me will a smirk. "Oh nothing. I just told her that I would tell the principal that I saw her stealing things from someone if she didn't move spots." Wow, he said that for me? Maybe he really does like me. "Thank you." I muttered.

    At the end of class, we had an Ancient Civilization project to do with a partner. Josh and I picked each other, but I didn't expect us to have to bring it home together.

    "So y/n, who's house do you want to do the project at?" Josh asks me. "Maybe my house? If you want to, I guess." I still have trust issues with going to other peoples houses. His house will have to wait. He looks at me. "Okay sure. Text me after school when you want me to come over," he smiles. His smile.. It's kind of comforting in a way.

    The bell rings, stopping our conversation and Ms. Kelley excuses us while Josh and I walk out together. "Hey Josh, can you help me with my schedule? This paper is really confusing to me." "Yeah of course y/n, I'm always here to help you when you need it. You didn't even have to ask, I was going to help you anyway." He said, making me giggle.

    I handed Josh my paper and he showed me my next class. I like having him here to help me. I really had nobody at my old school. It was hell there, but Josh is making this school feel like a happy place for me. I just met Jennifer, but she's also making me feel that way.

    School finally ended and I said goodbye to Josh and Jennifer. Today was Friday so Josh and I had a few days to do the project. I went home and waited for his text.

(Okay listen, I know the last paragraph sucked but i had no idea how to end it.. im gonna try to write as much as i can tonight and tomorrow cus school starts again the day after tmr 😭😭 also happy new years 2024 :3!  )

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