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"Don't worry Lucas... I won't make this mistake again." His voice ran through my head. The last thing Sabre said to me directly. I stared at the ground lost in thought with everything going through my mind. Everything that involved him throughout my life. The good, the bad, the jokes. All of it came in waves that never stopped for longer than a few moments. He's dead, but he won't leave me alone. I hope it stays like this forever.

Before all of this... we were struggling with keeping up rent in the house we worked together to live in. I was looking for love and was dating around while Sabre wanted to improve his job. He never seemed interested in getting into a relationship at all. He got a job offer to help with this experiment and he took it for the extra cash. He went missing and I followed him here. We finally found a way back... but he didn't want to. He stayed and I went back. I spent my life there for a while until I came back to check on him here... so much changed for him here while for me... so little did.

He can fight with a weapon and have catlike reflexes. He's quicker on his feet and stronger. Seeing him change so much... a part of me hoped that he would soon be ready to come back to our world... I thought after this he would want to come back... but he doesn't get to now. I don't even get the chance to ask him.

We were always by each other side... until I left back home. Maybe I shouldn't have. If I simply stayed with him... maybe I could be as strong and agile as he was. I may never get to know now... My thoughts wandered back to the others in the room with me.

Blue Steve, Elemental, Light, and Illusion were here with me. All of them were asleep, at least I think they were. Elemental and Blue Steve haven't stirred at all. Light and Illusion have been completely quiet. Maybe they felt the same way I did... empty.

What is the point of fighting anymore without him? He has been there for me since childhood. We have been through everything together. The thinkable and this place... something I guessed we would never go through... especially him sacrificing himself for the Steves... Losing him... was might as well losing the point of protecting this place. This isn't my problem anymore. I only really cared for him...

No that's not true. I cared for the two Steves I still recognize. Especially the one in the room with me. Light Steve. I looked up for the first time in who knows how long to see he was looking out at the bars that separated us from freedom. Dried blood was still on the side of his face from when he got hit. He only looked a bit better now... even then that's a stretch.

Sabre wouldn't want me to leave them behind though. He wanted us to win... I'm just not sure if I'm the right person to help... but I can try.

It's the only way I can repay him for what he gave me. His life. Maybe if we escape... I can figure out what he meant... what did he mean by mistake? Nothing like this has ever happened to us... not even close. I got up slowly stumbling a bit as I stood. I touched the bars with my hands and pulled against them. I felt a small bit of movement...

That's not right.

I looked around at the cell the five of us were in and saw that around us were poor support beams. The ground was dirt. The bars were weak... this was made... poorly. Probably in a rush. I might be able to get us out...

Thanks for the luck, Sabre.

"Light how are you feeling?" I asked him. He looks up at me confused.

"I'm... alright." Light pauses as he speaks. His voice was numb and tired.

"You don't look like it... especially your head." I commented to him and sat down next to him.

"It doesn't." A voice chimes in. I looked around and saw Illusion who must have just woken up. He sounded even more tired than Light did.

My Inner Code (Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now