Chapter One: Inkheart

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A/N OK, so this is my first proper story on Wattpad. None of the characters, save Cathy Hart, are mine. Everything belongs to either J.K Rowling for her magical Harry Potter series, or to Cornelia Funke for her equally beautiful Inkheart series. I am merely borrowing the characters and places and intend to return them unharmed :) Some things you may want to know are: Cathy is a Slytherin, she is good friends with the Golden Trio (mostly Harry) and she is in love with one Draco Malfoy. She often stays at the Malfoy Manor during the holidays. Everything else you will find out later. If you have been bothered to read all this, well done! I know I can ramble a shite load. So without further gilding the lily, and with no more ado, I give you my story! Enjoy :) x (If you got that, I love you even more!)

Settling down in her bed, Cathy Hart flicked open her book to the pale pink bookmark that marked the page of her favourite character being introduced. The book was a lovely purple one, with a flaming ink black heart on the cover and the title Inkheart scrawled delicately underneath.

Cathy scanned the page, looking for a mention of that character she loved, the one that she wished she could meet. Dustfinger, the travelling Fire-Eater, that always carried his horned marten around with him, usually perched on his shoulder.

She had been given this book a year ago by Hermione Granger on her birthday and from the moment she started reading it, she fell in love with the story and the idea of Silvertounges and Fire-Eaters. Not long after she had read the book for the third time, she sent her mother an owl to ask if the book had been turned into a movie, and sure enough, her mother sent her a copy of the movie along with her reply. Cathy became even more obsessed with Inkworld and the characters: Dustfinger, Resa, Capricorn, Meggie, Mo, and Farid.

Cathy traced the words describing Dustfinger's appearance, and thought about how Mo had meet Dustfinger; Mo was a Silvertounge, he could make characters appear out of books just by reading aloud, and he had accidentally read out Dustfinger along with Capricorn and Basta. Cathy wondered if such magic was even possible. She made a mental note to ask Draco or his mother, surely one of them would know, being pure-bloods. Glancing around the room she was staying in during the holidays, with its white washed walls, the bed that was too big for just her, and the sparsely furnished floor, she wondered where Draco was. Were any of the Malfoys home yet, or was it just her, alone in the over-sized manor. She strained her ears but couldn't hear a sound, not that she usually could even if the Malfoys were home. Figuring she was alone, she closed the heavy door to the bedroom, checking the hallway quickly first, before she returned to sit on her bed. Cathy picked up the book and ran her fingers across the smooth cover, feeling the indents of the title.

It was a silly idea, thinking that she could read Dustfinger out of the book. After all, Silvertounges were just something a writer made up, to amuse their readers. That magic didn't exist here, it wasn't a spell, it wouldn't work.

But no matter how much she tried to convince herself, she still had to at least try. What if she was a Silvertounge but didn't know it, like Mo had been? She would never know until she tried. With one last glance around the room, Cathy opened the book to the page she wanted and began to read out loud.

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