Chapter Two: Cathy vs Draco

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"Dustfinger must have been waiting in the road beyond the wall. He wore only a sweater, and he was shivering, with his arms folded over his chest. His coat was probably still damp from last night's rain, but his hair was dry now- a ruffled, sandy mop above his scarred face." 

Cathy stopped and looked up from the page. She scanned the room, but it was the same as ever, nothing had happened and there was no Dustfinger. 

Maybe I'm doing it wrong, she thought. 

Looking back down at the writing, she thought of how Meggie described Mo's voice when he read aloud; the way he caressed each word lovingly, the way he made pictures form in front of your eyes like you can reach out and touch them. 

Maybe, if I read slower, concentrate on each word, then it will work. 

So, looking once more at the page, Cathy began to read aloud again, trying to picture Dustfinger in her mind. 

"Dustfinger must have been waiting in the road beyond the wall," she read, imagining the way Dustfinger stood leaning against the wall, his rucksack slung over his shoulder, Gwin sticking his furry little head out the top. She didn't hear Draco enter, as wrapped up in the story as she was, and he stood silently, an amused look on his pale, pointed face. 

"He was wearing only a jumper, and he was shivering, with his arms folded over his chest." She tried to single out each word as she spoke, trying to use each word lovingly. "His coat was probably still damp from last night's rain, but his hair was dry now- a ruffled, sandy mop above his scarred face." 

She glanced up as she finished the last few words, and that's when she saw Draco, arms crossed, looking at her with his head tilted to the side. 

"What are you doing?" he asked as she stopped reading. 

Cathy blushed and quickly closed the book, trying to avoid Draco's gaze. "I was reading," she said vaguely. 

Draco cocked an eyebrow. "Right. But what was with the way you were talking?" 

Cathy blushed even more, but didn't look away from him. "I don't know what you mean." 

"I think you do. But never mind that for now." Draco walked over to her bed as she spoke and Cathy tried to hide the book surreptitiously. "Why were you reading out loud?" 

"Oh, no reason," Cathy said casually as she put a hand over where the book was half hidden under the sheets. 

Draco caught her movements and quickly reached over her to grab the book. Cathy made to stop him but he snatched it up too fast. 

"Oh, not this damn book again!" He said as he studied the purple cover. 

Cathy tried to snatch it back, but he darted back from her and clutched the book tightly. 

"Come on, Draco. Give it back." 

"Not until you tell me why you were reading aloud from this book." He waved the book slightly in front of her. "What, did you think you could read the characters out?" he chuckled, looking at her as if she were a little crazy. 

Cathy looked away from him and scoffed. "Yeah sure," she muttered, not quite loud enough to convince him. 

A look of amazement came over Draco's features. "You were?" he asked incredulously. 

Cathy just looked down at her feet. 

"Did it work?" Draco asked, a hint of excitement noticeable in his tone. He looked around the room, as if someone was going to jump out from hiding. 

Cathy stared at him. "Well no, of course it didn't work." 

"Oh." Draco looked a little crestfallen, but continued to steal glances around the room. 

"Did you think it would work?" she asked him quietly. 

"I had hoped. Wouldn't that be amazing magic if it worked?" 

"Yeah, but it- Hang on," She wrinkled her brow slightly. "How do you even know about the magic of Silvertounges?" 

A small amount of heat rose in Draco's cheeks, but he didn't reply. 

"Draco, how do you know?" 

"I may have read the book while you were away one weekend," he muttered. 

Cathy grinned at him. "Ha, I knew you couldn't resist it! What did you think?" she asked. "Ooh, do you want to watch the movie?" 

Draco rolled his eyes. "It was a fairly decent book." 

Cathy smirked. "Admit it, you loved it!" 

"Okay, okay. But that's getting away from the point. Were you or were you not trying to read Dustfinger out of his book?" 


Draco looked at her in astonishment. "Did you even pay attention to that book? What do you think would happen to Dustfinger if he were forced here? It almost destroyed him last time!" 

Cathy let out a small laugh. "I knew you liked it. Anyway, why are you talking about this like it's real and could happen?" 

Draco scrunched his brow in annoyance. "Of course it could happen! It's magic, isn't it?" 

"Well yeah," Cathy said. 

"Then it could happen!" 

"You really think so?" Cathy asked, trying not to sound too excited. 


"But it didn't work for me," Cathy replied, sounding putout. 

"Only some people have the gift, Cat. It's really rare, you know that." 

"I know, I know," she mumbled. But then her eyes lit up. 

Draco saw the look and immediately backed off. "No. No no no. I won't do it!" 

"You don't even know what I was going to say!" 

Draco gave her a look, one that plainly said 'You're kidding right?'. 

Cathy grinned. "Alright, so I want you to try. Why won't you?" 

"Did you not just hear what I said?" 

"Well, it doesn't have to be Dustfinger," Cathy said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. 

Draco frowned at her. He knew there was no point in arguing, even though he knew he was right. Cathy was like a pit-bull; once she sunk her teeth into something she wouldn't easily let go. 

"Who then?" 

"Maybe a fairy," Cathy thought out loud. "Something small, that wouldn't easily be missed by the Inkworld. Like a brownie, maybe." 

"Well you better make up your mind soon," Draco told her, looking at his watch. "Mother and Father will be home soon and they are bringing Severus back with them for dinner." 

Cathy rolled her eyes. When wasn't Severus here for dinner? Not that she minded of course. Him being here meant she could spend more time reading and less time making small talk with the Malfoys. 

"Okay, how about this? Read out something small, like a butterfly or something, then we can try again with a character later." 

"If it works, you mean." 

"Oh, stop being such a killjoy! You're so negative." Cathy grinned at him. "Now read." 

"Scoot over, then." Draco plonked down on the bed as close as he could get to her. "What page?" 

Cathy took the book, flicked through it and scanned a page. "Um, here. This one here." She pointed to a sentence. "That should work." 

"Right. Here goes..."

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