Part 1

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Dear Blaine
I know that I won't send this away because I can't write your old adress anymore but haven't heard from you about a new one, or heard from you at all.
I don't know where you are and I'm worried about you. Your letter arrived one day after you send it and now the weekend is over too. I wish I could skip school and help in any way.
I hope you and your mom are both safe and doing okay. I'm thinking about you a lot and since I can't send this away I can talk honestly.
I can't think straight in school. I want to keep you safe. I can't imagine how you must've felt at home but it'll be better now wherever you are.
Thinking about you
Love Kurt


The chestnut haired boy sighs and throws the letter away. He has no clue when he next hears from Blaine but until he does he can't think clearly. Blaine means so much for him. With another sigh Kurt stands up and goes to bed. He has to stand up early for school tomorrow so he should try to sleep.


Blaine had a busy weekend.

On Friday after Pam and Blaine came in they saw that that Angela already prepared coffee and waffles so the family sits down and eats and drinks while talking about everything and nothing. Then the three go out to the car again to carry everything inside. Angela has one guest room and a spare room that she used as a hobby room. Now one is for Blaine and the other for Pam. The mother kisses her son on the forehead and says "You take the bigger guest room. I take the hobby room. I'm out for work often enough anyway". "Thanks mom" the curly haired boy says and first takes his suitcase up to his new room.

While Pam and Blaine start to unpack their stuff Angela is in the kitchen and already prepares dinner. At dinner she says "You two can to whatever you want with your rooms now. Decorate, pain, move furniture or what ever you like". With a big smile both mother and son thank her. It's amazing that she just agreed that they can move in and in such short notice, allowing them to stay forever.

"We'll finish unpacking this weekend. I have to work again on Monday and you have school. I notified my clients that I'm moving to Lima and luckily most of them stayed with me. One of them told me about this school. It's a public school but it's okay and that school also got a glee club so you can continue doing that. William McKinley High School. The first days I'll drive you until you know your way better in this town" Pam says. Blaine just nods. William McKinley High School. Why does that ring a bell?

The little family cleans the table and only now that he ate Blaine realizes how tired he is even tho he slept in the car. The last days with his dad were the most exhausting. All this tiptoeing around him so he doesn't notice anything or has any reason to get angry at them. He was up way to late to pack everything he needs. He had school. He unpacked. Now he's safe and no longer hingry thanks to Angelas delicious waffles and dinner. And he's tired. Very tired.

That's why he goes up to his new room. His moms new room is downstairs with a kitchen, living room and bathroom. Angelas and Blaines room are upstairs also with a bathroom. The boy says goodnight before changing and quickly going to the bathroom. Once ready for bed he falls on the mattress and cuddles into the blanket. He'll write Kurt a letter tomorrow. Now he's so sleepy that everything he writes will probably be gibberish of some kind.


When Blaine wakes up on Saturday he's a bit disorientated but then realizes where he is. He can't help but smile. This wasn't a dream. He and his mom are safe. A new start in another town. Away from his father and in the same city as Kurt. Maybe they can meet for real now. That would be so cool. The curly haired boy stands up and joins his mother for breakfast. His aunt is still asleep, apparently she likes to sleep very long.

Today they'll unpack everything they didn't yesterday and have time to make their rooms feel more like they belong to them now. Blaine puts the rest of his clothes away. He got to keep his Dalton Blazer and he stores it in the closet where it's safe. It was only half a year but so much happened in that half year. He got into a glee club, had his first performance, fell even more in love with singing. He found new friends and played matchmaker for two of them.

Next he puts the pictures on a shelf and one with the Warblers on his side table. A picture of only Wes, Jeff, Nick and him will stand on the desk once he got one. Kurts letters will stand there too. He also needs to boy a book shelf. Not too big but he needs one. A beanbag would be cool. As well as more decoration. Maybe a little plant? Online he and Pam look for a desk, a bookshelf and everything they need now to order it.

Faster than Blaine knows the day is over. The boy eats dinner with his family and goes up to his room. He promised Wes to call today after dinner and that's exactly why he flops down on the bed and dials his best friends number.

They talk for hours.

About the date Wes took Anna. About that they saw Nick and Jeff in a restuarant also on a date. Their idea to go on a double date next weekend. Blaine wishes he could be there. A triple date. With him and Kurt. Impossible. Also he can't and don't want to be there. It's better now that he's away from Robert. It get's Blaine thinking. Sure he just told his friends in school that they are leaving because things with Robert were unpretty. But Wes is his best friend since middle school. He won't tell anyone. That's why Blaine opens up and tells him everything. The homophobic comments his dad made, about the drinking, how angry he got and finally that he has been abusive towards his wife and son.

They talk and talk and talk until Blaine falls asleep on the phone. Wes only notices because his best friend stopped answering but he can hear his best friends even breathing patterns. "Goodnight Blainey" Wes says laughing quietly and hangs up. Guess he'll write Kurt tomorrow. He hasn't forgotten him. It's just all a bit too much.


If Blaine writes the letter today it won't get send away before tomorrow. Today is Sunday and the earliest pick up is already away. So Blaine decides to write it this evening and drop it off tomorrow after school. His mom will be okay with that. Today mother and son do some more online shopping but since almost everything is done now and they have to wait until their stuff arrives it's a day to relax.

"Is it okay if I play some guitar in my room?" Blaine asks. His mother smiles "You're not with Robert anymore. I love it when you play and Angela loves music. Play anytime you want and fi you want you can sing and play for us". "Thanks mom but today I jsut want to try some stuff out maybe next time" he smiles at the women and goes up to his room. With his guitar and a song book he sits down on his bed and starts with playing some cords. It's been a while since he last played because he always had to be careful with his dad.


Dear Kurt
My new address in on the envelope. I have no clue how big Lima really is but now that I live here too we're maybe not that far away and can actually meet.
My mom and I moved in with my aunt and spend the weekend unpacking. I guess I'll take a look around over the next few days.
Tomorrow I have my first day in the new school William something high school. I forgot the name but I hope people there are nice.
I'm so glad that I am away from home but I miss my friends already. Wes and I talked on the phone yesterday until I fell asleep.
It's only been a couple if days but now I can write you again and you can answer. I would start missing you otherwise.
It's late now and I'll drop the letter off tomorrow after school so I'm going to bed now.
I'm safe
Love Blaine

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