Part 25

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As the week continues Kurts health first gets worse and then a lot better. Now that he actually got the chance to rest the fever hit him completely, pretty much knocking him out for two days where he just sleeps and eats. In the morning Carol brings him some breakfast and juice for the medicine and vitamins and when Finn and Blaine come home around noon they see him sleeping and only wake him for lunch.

When he gets better again he eats breakfast with Carol and Burt in the kitchen and catches up on some homework with the help of Blaines notes. He's lucky that his boyfriend is so smart that he can help Kurt even tho he's a year under Kurt. Once done he watches some trash tv with Carol before she has to go to work. In the afternoon he does somethign with Finn, Burt and Blaine and after dinner he and Blaine go up to Kurts room, read or watch a show and fall asleep eventually.

On Sunday Carol gives Kurt permission to go back to school the next day. He should still take it slow so he doesn't get too stressed again. Or too exhausted. He should slowly build it up again.

In the evening Kurt and Blaine lay in Kurts bed and cuddle. "I'm glad you're back tomorrow. It was boring without you" Blaine says while his finger wanders up and down Kurts arm. "I mean I had dad but at some point it also got boring here" the other boy answers. They both laugh at that. "I want to thank you for everything you did lately" Kurt says but the other waves it off "That goes without saying". "No really. I treated you bad and as soon as we made up and exams were over I got sick. Now I'm better again and I want to thank you" the other boy insists "What are you doing next Saturday?".

"I'm sure you're about to tell me" Blaine says and laughs. Kurt laughs too and then nods "You always say that you want to go to an amusement park since you never got the chance to do that as a kid so I thought I take you". "You- Really?" the curly haired boy asks exited. Again Kurt nods "We can easily reach it with the train, spend the whole day there and come back in the evening, eating at breadstix and so it's more fun we make it a double date with Rachel and Finn but in breadstix it'll be just us". "Sounds like an awesome plan" Blaine agrees.

He looks like a little kid who got told that they move into disney land. "I'm exited too but you have to be patient for another week" Kurt laughs. "I can do that. Thank you darling. I love you" the younger boy says before he kisses Kurt and the other boy answers "I love you too. Now let's go to sleep because I'm tired and we both got school tomorrow". "Okay" Blaine agrees and lays down properly next to Kurt again.

Kurt just turns off the light before taking his very happy boyfriend into his arms again. "Goodnight honey. I love you" he whispers and the younger one only answers "I love you too darling. Goodnight". He reaches up for another kiss before he happily falls asleep.

This life is good. No better. It's amazing.

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