Part 24

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The group of three comes home early and Carol still has some time until she has to leave. But of course the boys want to give her a chance to not worry about anything and just spend some time with her husband so they put their stuff away and get started. Kurt and Blaine with lunch and Finn hangs up the laundry to dry.

Maybe Kurt and Blaine get lunch ready in time so they can pack Carol some for work. Kurt really wants to get it done for her. She must be stressed out and it's been like forever, or since the heart attack, that she ate dinner or lunch with them so at least they could pack her some for work.

Kurt hurries. He gets lunch ready while Blaine sets the table and Finn in the bathroom to take a quick shower before lunch. Quickly lunch is ready and Kurt packs some of it for Carol, rushing to put it in her bag. She has like five or less minutes until she has to leave.

That's when it happens. The little stomach ache he's been having lately turns into nausea. His ears start ringing and his head feels a little fussy. Yes he's been feeling exhausted all day and even before that but now he feels weak. No power left in him. Just in case, because he doesn't trust his legs at the moment, he sits down on the floor.

Luckily Blaine is in the kitchen anyway and when he ears a faint flop noise he goes to check what happened. He finds his boyfriend sitting on the floor, eyes closed and taking deep breaths. "Kurt are you okay?" the younger boy asks as he kneels down next to him. "Yes. No. I don't know" Kurt answers. He opens his eyes again and looks into Blaines worried ones "You don't look well. Let me get Carol". As soon as he said it he stands up again, coming back seconds later with the woman.

He didn't tell her what's up to not worry Burt yet but as soon as Carol sees Kurt she knows what's up. "Hey Kurt sweetie. What happened?" she asks, kneeling down on wone side and Blaine on the other. "I feel like I have to throw up and my head feels fussy" Kurt answers. "All just now?" Carol asks and when Kurt nods she asks "How about the last days? Nausea, stomach ache? Did you feel dizzy? Powerless? Anything else?". "I sat down when I felt dizzy but I didn't felt dizzy before. The last days I had a stomach ache and felt a little cold. And tired, so damn tired" Kurt explains.

"Kurt how long do you feel like this already?" Blaine asks, the worry in his puppy eyes rises. "Uhm. I think since dads heart attack and exams but it only really came through when you started supporting us" Kurt admits "I just kept pushing through because I felt like I have to now that we all have to put a little extra work in". "Okay I think I know what happened" Carol says.

"You're sick. Your immune system kept it all plain because of the stress but with Blaine you had less stress so it started showing through but now that exams are over your immune system gives you the whole lot it kept away that time. Your body was overwhelmed and now that you can relax it all comes back. You're maybe getting a fever too. You stay home for the week, the boys should bring your homework. You need to rest and get healthy again" the nurse says "Drink and eat enough and go to bed early. Blaine if your mom allows you to stay and support us over the week we would be very grateful. I have to go now but give me a call if you need help".

She kisses Kurt on the slightly warm forehead and takes her stuff. She also says goodbye to Burt, shortly explaining Kurts situation and after hugging Finn and Blaine goodbye she leaves. Kurt and Blaine watch her leave and only when the door is closed Blaine turns back to his boyfriend "Do you think you can stand up with my help?". "Yes" Kurt nods and together they go back ot the kitchen where Kurt sits down again. His knees feel a bit wobbly. Blaine gives him a glass of ginger ale and lunch "I get Burt and Finn but you can start eating already".

Of course Kurt waits until the others sit at the table too but then they all start eating and talking about everything and nothing, knowing that Kurt probably doesn't like to talk about what happened when he kept it in secret before. Blaine and Finn take care of the dishes because Blaine insists that Kurt should rest with Burt and instead of watching a game Burt puts on some trash tv he and Kurt can both laugh about.

Together the students finish their homework in the afternoon and after the homework is done Burt suggests they could play a board game or something together. After two rounds of ludo Kurt seems to get tired. It's okay. Finn just finishes off laundry and Burt flicks through the channels of the tv until he found something he can watch. Blaine wraps an arm around his boyfriend and whispers "Let's get you changed and in bed. You can take a nap before dinner". "Okay. But I still prepare dinner with you. I love cooking with you" Kurt answers with a smile, followed by a yawn.

Quickly the boys go up to Kurts room and change into something comfortable. After that he lays down in bed and hears the door next door close. Finn is back in his room, playing video games in his free time before dinner. "Honey lay down next to me" Kurt complains. The bed is comfortable and he's tired but if he cuddles with Blaine he sleeps better. "In a minute darling. I call my mom real quick" Blaine answers and kisses his boyfriends warm forehead before be goes in front of the door.

First he texts Carol, telling her that Kurt definitly has a fever and where the medicine is. She answers within a minute, telling him where and when Kurt should take it. Next Blaine dials his moms number to tell her that he's staying over and that she needs to bring some stuff over.

"Hey mom, can I stay over at the Hudson-Hummels? Kurt got sick because of the stress and I want to help them now more than ever" Blaine asks when Pam picked up the phone. "Of course. Poor Kurt. Is there anything we can do?" the woman asks. "Bring me some more clothes? I still have some here but I want to stay until Kurt is better. My school stuff from home too and the book on my side table please" Blaine says. He talks to his mom a little longer and then hangs up.

When Blaine comes back to the room Kurt already felt asleep. Still he lays down next to Kurt who immediatly cuddles into his side, continuing to sleep peacefully. Blaine will remind Kurt of the medicine at dinner but for now he should get some well earned rest. While Kurt sleeps Blaine spends some time on his phone, watching YouTube videos with headphones and chatting with his Dalton friends.

He wakes Kurt around six so they can prepare dinner. While doing so they listen to music, sing and cance along to it. Kurt still feels exhausted but getting some rest helped a little bit. When the door bell rings Blaine goes to open it because there's one thing Kurt shouldn't see yet. The curly haired boy brings the bag up to Kurts room after saying goodbye to Angela who brought his bag over and then rejoins Kurt in the kitchen.

After dinner Kurt and Blaine go back to Kurts room. The chestnut haired boy just wants to cuddle and relax and go to bed early. First Blaine puts Kurts medicine on the sidetable so he can take them now and in the morning. Then he goes to the bag and pulls out the book "I saw it and thought this could be somethign for you. I knew you would be bummed out because of the exams and it could cheer you up". "Thanks honey. I'm sone with mine soon and now that I have to stay home this will be my next read" Kurt answers smiling and takes the book.

He takes the book and puts it on the side table before cuddling into Blaines side again. Blaine smiles softly and kisses Kurt on the forehead "I love you". "I love you too" Kurt answers and adds "Should we watch friends?". Blaine agrees but only two episodes later Kurt is fast asleep and since it's getting later and different to Kurt Blaine has school tomorrow the younger turns off the laptop, sets an alarm and goes to sleep too.

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