Chapter 4 - The Letter From No One

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Blake woke up in a cold sweat, gasping for air as she took in her surroundings. She sighed as she sat up, realizing she was alone. It looked to be around two in the morning, an hour after she was finally able to fall asleep. Blake thought about going for a walk, getting some tea to help ease her thoughts and got up to head for her door. 

Thankfully Blake was given a room to herself for the time being with the odd numbers of female Cadets and was in the other women's barrack alone. She preferred to be alone, less hiding her face and body and less worry about sleeping in a room with curious or crude females. She knew how females could be, she was taught to read people, male and female by just their body language, choice of wording or clothing style. Here clothing style was out of the question, all cadets wore the same uniform.  This made her thankful about some of her training back home. It helped her know her enemies, her comrades and stranger's motives and their next choice of words or actions. The way they thought or how they felt without needing to ask them.

After covering her face and eye with her mask and entire body with her clothes; Blake quietly walked through the halls heading to the mess hall clearing her mind of the terrible memories that haunted her every night. As Blake entered the hallway that leads to the doors of the mess hall, she smelt the fragrance of strong Earl Grey black tea and hesitated to continue her late-night walk to grab some tea.  The smell of her favorite tea made her crave it more, but knowing someone else was in the mess hall, made her want to turn around. 

After a minute of debating with herself to go back to her room or enter the mess hall, she decided to continue her mission of getting some tea. Knowing it was possibly some cadet who couldn't sleep either. She quietly opened the big double doors, barely making a sound and carefully peeked inside to see if she could see anyone or recognize a scent off of someone she has been around since being recruited into the Survey Corps. 

She faintly smelt some cleaning supplies, a musky male scent and pine along with the Black tea. She instantly recognized the smell that she had been around most often as of recently. The short, raven-haired male that was in charge of her, Captain Levi. Before she could turn around, Levi spotted the slightly open double doors. "Come out, brat. Show yourself.", the captain ordered irritated as someone interrupted his quiet teatime. 

Blake knew better to run away and disobey orders from her superior, so she opened the door further and stepped inside the mess hall. "You better have a really good reason for being out of bed, brat." Levi stated sternly. "I couldn't sleep, I was going to grab tea to unwind so I could rest, sir. If you wish, I will go back to my barrack.", Blake said calmly as she stood idly beside the mess hall doors. "Tch. Grab your tea, drink it and go back to bed, idiot. Your punishment for being out of your barrack this early is cleaning duty tomorrow. See me in my office after lunch.", Levi stated grabbing his tea and taking it to his office, knowing his quiet time is over.  "I understand Sir, thank you.", Blake bowed in a sign of respect to her Captain for letting her grab her tea. 

Levi scoffed and walked out of the mess hall, heading back to his office. 'We'll see how well you do tomorrow, brat.', Levi thought to himself as he saw Blake grab the Earl Grey black tea as he was shutting the mess hall doors. 

After drinking her tea, Blake walked at a slow pace back to her barrack. Not only to keep quiet and not make any noise from the creaks in the floor, but because she was still uneasy about going back to sleep. She gets scared, she is human after all. She was just trained to never show her physical pain or her emotions anywhere, to anyone, at any time. Not even alone by herself. She feels a lot, she just forgot how to show them after, "Rule number one. Do not show weakness. As far as anyone knows, you are emotionless." was beaten into her mind, body and soul by her mentor from a young age.  

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