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BONNIE'S morning usually consisted of waking up, getting dressed, doing her makeup, grabbing her things, having a coffee, and being interrupted by her boyfriend's car beeping at her to come out. Today wasn't any different.

Her father wasn't home much anymore, the only participation he'd done for the past few years was give her money and introduce her to her now boyfriend. So he wasn't at home.

An alarm woke up the ravenette, her hand reaching for it and smacking it a few times to shut it up. She sat up and groaned, a headache coming into place.

Bonnie got up, slippers being placed on her feet before she reached for a hair tie and dragged her hair into a messy ponytail. Making her way into her bathroom and freshening up. The girl brushed her teeth, washed her face and did her business before leaving the bathroom and choosing an outfit.

It was the pep rally today, so something more comfortable would be preferred as she would be changing out of it. She opted for low rise flares.

Now changed and ready, the girl sat at her desk, doing her makeup in the mirror as she usually did. Once done, she made her way downstairs with her bag. looking at her compact mirror and slowly applying her dior lip oil, her favourite thing.

Before she could make her way into the kitchen a car honked outside her home. The girl huffed at his early arrival and stepped towards the door instead, opening it and looking out at her boyfriend.

"Why are you early?"

"Thought you'd want to be there before everyone else, considering.."

Bonnie rolled her eyes, gesturing with her hand for him to come inside. He did as told, turning off the ignition and entering her home.

"I don't need you to baby me Mika, I'm fine" Bonnie commented while closing the door behind her, placing her bag on the coat rack. She swiftly moved to the kitchen, Mika following closely behind.

"Yeah I know, you're independent and all, I just wanted to do something nice for you"

"What you could do is make me coffee"

Mika stood at the kitchen island, his hands flat on the surface as he stared at Bonnie, concerned.

"You sure that's okay? I mean-"

"Yes it's fine just make it, please Mika"

He sighed and gave in. popping the coffee machine on and taking her favourite mug outside of the cabinet.

Bonnie sat on one of the stools, staring down at her painted nails. A cup being placed infront of her interrupted her thoughts.

"The way you like it"

Bonnie smiled up at him in gratitude, her hands swivled around the cup.

"You gonna watch? the pep rally I mean"

"Kinda have to don't I? either way I wouldn't miss anything my girlfriend's in"

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