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WITH all her years on the team she hadn't seen someone be froze out so badly.

Bonnie didn't really make the effort to play today, she couldn't bring herself to, if she wanted to play well in the finals then she definitely couldn't go all out today. Instead she chose to stand around rather than run after the ball.

The girl opted to stare at Allie and her confused face, she seemed irritated at the fact that Shauna and Taissa weren't passing the ball to her.

Bonnie didn't really care that much, the team would still be good with or without Allie, she did however think that freezing her out was a bit harsh.

She watched Shauna dribble upfield, easily maneuvering the ball, Allie raced open on her left but Shauna ignored her, choosing to pass to Van instead. Natalie then darts into the exchange and redirects the ball to Allie. She fumbles and panics, sending the ball out of bounds. a whistle is heard.

After a while of this, Bonnie was getting bored, and tired. she could feel bile rising to her throat before swallowing it down. The heat was getting to her so she walked off the pitch. Her clothes felt too itchy on her skin, her fingernails dragged along her forearms.


"Yes Bonnie?"

"Can I sit out for a bit? I don't feel too well"

"Oh, you gonna be okay for finals?"

"Yeah I'm sure it's just a one off"

Coach Ben nodded before looking back at the pitch. Bonnie took this as a sign to sit down on the bleachers. Her hands moved up to her hair to take it out of her ponytail. It fell down to her back as she took her water bottle and sat down. feeling her nails dragging across her skin calmed her slightly, it grounded her from her thoughts. Removing her nails from her skin, they reached for her bottle.

Opening the bottle, she took a sip, staring at the team on the pitch. She moved her legs to cross each other as she watched.

Taissa then called a time out to Coach Ben, following a discussion, she takes her red pinny off and hands it to a JV sweeper. Bonnie couldn't hear much, she was too distracted on her headache to care.

"C'mon varsity, your own defense wants to see you step it up, and frankly that makes two of us. Let's see some hustle!" Coach Ben exclaimed, blowing his whistle.

Taissa started crowding Allie, talking shit and holding her in place. She side tackled Allie as she is passed the ball, the ball rolls out of bounds and a whistle goes off.

Allie started seeming more tense, frustrated at Taissa's shots, Bonnie watched in closeness, she hummed at the fact that it was actually working.

Allie grimaced in concentration, working around Taissa with a cruyff turn. She then shouldered Taissa hard to clear space for a pass, she sprinted away from her with Taissa hot on her track. Shauna fired a long lofted pass which both Allie and Taissa are keen on. The ball goes higher and Allie jumps for a header, Taissa instinctively juts her foot out, catching Allie's ankle and bringing her down.

Bonnie looks up at the commotion before she hears a snap, it was sickening and loud before a complete silence is made.

Allie collapses on the field before a puddle of blood is formed. Everyone started screaming, panicking. Bonnie could hear Lottie screaming, Laura Lee crying, Van was puking and Taissa backs out of it.

Bonnie didn't know what to do, looking on at the sight brought back her sickness as she stood up and covered her mouth to stop it from spilling.

Coach Ben ran to Allie's side, swearing as Misty applied pressure to the wound.

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