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IT was the night of the party, the celebration of the team going to nationals, a huge success. Some came to wish luck but most came to get plastered.

Bonnie wasn't too keen on going, she wasn't really fond of the partying crowd and she didn't think she ever would be.

The ravenette sat at her vanity, looking into the mirror as she did her hair. Her fingers weaving between her hair, creating a long braid down her back. Her thoughts had been practicality at the moment.

Her hand reached over to her lip sticks, picking a light maroon to glaze her lips, on top of this she put on a clear lip gloss.

The most of her makeup had already been done a few hours ago, her skin glowed slightly at the light that shone in her room.

The ravenette stood up, letting her braid fall over her shoulder. She moved to her closet, opening and looking inside. Her first instinct was a gorgeous red mini dress she hadn't been able to wear, it was casual yet a perfect fit for a party. To match the dress she adorned long silver earrings, her new black kitten bag, her favourite black kitten heels and a black leather jacket.

The look was complete, that was something to be happy about at least. After watching herself in the mirror, the girl left her room and moved downstairs, swinging her door open and locking it behind her.

Mika pulled up to the driveway, his lips curled, giving a cheeky grin.

"You look gorgeous Bon"

Bonnie let herself lightly laugh at his compliment while opening her car door and sitting beside him.

"Thanks, you don't look too bad either"

He glowered at her, his teeth baring as he smiled. His eyes glued onto her form before leaning into her and sticking a kiss onto her cheek, his hand holding her cheek lightly.

"What was that for?" Bonnie laughed at the action, almost confused.

"You look good"

"We already established that, let's just get going" Her tone fell a little flat, her mood shifting.

Mika started driving to the party, a hand on her thigh. Bonnie didn't have the heart to push it off of her, the warmth of his palms made her reluctant. The callousness of his palms distracted her, she didn't like it. Yet she still let her own hand rest atop it, her soft palm met his knuckles as they sat in silence.

The party was already a fucking mess. This is exactly why Bonnie had wanted to ditch it. The loud environment, the drugs and vomit filled her senses immediately when they pulled up to it.

"Bon, we're here" Mika said, sweetly stating the obvious.

Bonnie grabbed her bag and opened the car door, closing it once she had stepped outside. The two made their way to the main event, where all the yellowjackets probably would be soon, considering they were all suckers for alcohol. Not that she wasn't either, she just hated this scene.

"Oh look there's Via and Chris, didn't think they'd show after what happened at the last party"

Bonnie let her eyes roll at Mika's comment, chuckling at him before making her way to the two.

"Hey Bon, care for a hit?"

Chris held out a blunt, Bonnie held out her own hand to take it but Mika had taken it before she could.

"You sure? I don't want you-"

"Mika give it to me" Bonnie sternly said, her playful expression melted off while looking at her boyfriend. Mika sucked in a bit of air before handing it to her reluctantly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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