Personal Growth

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In minds and hearts, dormant seeds reside,Waiting for time and nurturing stride,

Through trials and tests, we realize,The strength within was a brilliant surprise.

With every challenge, we learn and grow,Expand our horizons, our spirits glow,

Like sprouting seedlings, reaching high,Our souls stretch upward toward the sky.

Obstacles appear, obstacles break,We carve new paths, discoveries make,

From timid whispers, we find our voice,Uncover hidden talents, rejoice.

From moments of darkness, light emerges,Firmly standing as our true selves converge,

Petals unfurl, in a newfound bloom,Our authentic selves, no longer assume.

Personal growth, a journey, not a race,Embracing change, with courage and grace,

Through the seasons of life, we thrive,Transcending limits, we come alive.

So let us nurture our seeds within,Personal growth is where we begin,Unleash our potential, limitless and vast,And watch as our souls grow, everlasting and steadfast.

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