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"Wait.. should we get baptized before or after the wedding?" Tom questioned, as we all sat in the hang out area, discussing things about it.

We had two living spaces, one was the living room and the other one was for like... when you're with a big group of people and such.

"You're getting baptized?" My moms eyes lit up.

"Yeah." I nodded, smiling. "Can I do it?" Jörg asked, with a fainter smile on his face.

"If you don't irritate me until the day comes, yeah." Tom agrees, okay stop it before I ride your face. This is really getting to me.

"Alright then... it'll be before." Jörg says.

"Okay, food should be here in twenty minutes." Bill walks back to us, putting the phone in his pocket. "June wedding." I stated, confidently.

"Baby, June is months away." Tom leaned up, looking to me. I glanced at everyone, hearing the small nickname. "I want it to be in June, please?" I gave him my best convincing face.

"I'm just in my own little world right now." Cherry kept T.J in her lap, hugging him.

"He's not even your baby, he's my baby!" I stood up, taking him away from her. "No apparently you're Tom's baby, how bout that?!" She attempted to embarrass me.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes.

"Are you really fighting over a cat right now?" Tom sighs deeply. "Yeah, and what about it?! Keep your nose out of my business!" I looked him up and down.

"You really do bicker like a married couple." Bill chuckles. "Shut up." Tom and I say at the same time. "Don't copy me." We said again.

"Bitch!" We both screamed.

"They're always like this, you just haven't seen it." Cherry talked to our parents.

"Yeah I just love him so much!" I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms. "What's that supposed to mean?" He says, offended.

"Whatever you want it to." I shrugged.

"That's why you didn't go to college!" Tom remarks, I gasped placing a hand on my heart. "That's why you're ugly!" I stood up, starting to walk off. I was getting heated.

"What type of middle school argument is this?" I heard Bill's voice. "You're single, you don't have room to talk!" I grumbled, stomping away.

Okay really though... what was I mad about? I didn't even remember at this point.


"Kay, i'm back." I sat down on the couch. scooting closer to Tom. I let my head rest on his shoulder, picking at my fingernails.

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