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It was midnight.

I felt Tom's lips, pecking small kisses onto my neck. "I'm trying to sleep." I whispered. "Talk to me, i'm bored." Tom nibbles on my shoulder.

I turned around. "What do you want to talk about?" I ran my finger, up and down his bare chest. "Can we make out, and talk?"

I chuckled, nodding.

"Okay... the basics then, the wedding, who we're going to invite, what are some ground rules for our relationship, kids... if we want any—"

"Kids?" My eyes widened. "You don't want them?" I swear, I almost saw a frown.

I licked my lips in, this felt like a conversation I should've had with him earlier, and I didn't know how to even talk about it.

"I can't... I can't have kids."

"It's not that I don't want to, I just can't have them for some reason." I felt my nose stinging, what if he really wanted them, and i've probably just disappointed him deeply.

I watched the look on his face, sadden slightly. And he wasn't even saying anything back.

"Is that a dealbreaker?" I wiped away a tear quickly before it could fall. "No, it's not." He shakes his head, pulling me into a hug.

"Then?" I cradled my head into his neck.

"When did you find out?" Tom asks. "Last year, just before I met you, but I... wasn't with anyone, so it didn't really affect me, because I didn't think anyone would want to have kids with me anyways." I shrugged, this was not how I expected tonight going, like at all.

"There's always other options." He suggests. "Are you sure? I'd understand if you wanted something different." We were still young after all, what if it doesn't work out in the future, and he decides he's bored of it?

"The only thing I want is you. I'm in love with you Livvy, not anyone else." He reassures.

"We can adopt, or get a surrogate, and if none of it works out. All I really need is my hot super model wife." Tom lightens the mood, I smiled.

"I love you." I poured a little, dragging a finger down his face. "I love you too." He let my legs straddle his sides, as we stayed silent for a minute, or two. I decided to speak up.

"Have you ever been in love?" I asked, curiously. "No, what about you?" He questioned back.

"Once." I nodded, slowly. "What was he like?"

"Do you really want to know?" I cringed, thinking about my ex boyfriend in high school. "I wouldn't be asking if I didn't." He states.

"Okay!! Um... he was really, abusive you know, like mentally and occasionally physically. But he told me he loved me and he'd change for me! So I stayed with him, throughout nearly all of high school, how crazy is that?!" I gasped.

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