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I was sitting outside the cabin with Zoey and the others. Duncan just threw his "food" on the floor and I don't blame him "this slop tastes like dirt gravy, which technically would be mud but-" Suddenly Cam fell down the stairs! "Wow Cam are you okay?" Mike asked as he handed Cam his glasses and helped him up "here you go buddy" he said but Cam's glasses broke! Zoey gasped "you okay?" I asked "I'm fine don't worry" she said nervously as she ran off to the confessionals. "Y/N? Can you see me? Am I here?" Seirra asked but I was too focused on Cam. Suddenly she screamed in my ear! "Ow! Seirra what the hell!" I yelled "I thought you couldn't see me, I thought I was invisible" she said as she walked back in. I held my ear and looked back at Cam. Then I looked under the stairs, what did he trip on??? "Evening campers gather to the starting line for a big announcement!" Chris yelled through the speakers.

Scott was dropped on the starting line and Chris walked over "good news you guys as a special treat it's time for an extremely dangerous night time challenge!" Chris announced "how is this good news?" Gwen asked "entertainment value hello this one is going to be ratings gold in a nod to season 4 buried treasure of fiasco your challenge is to race to the far end of the island first team to get every member across the finish line wins. And someone from the losing team will be taking the big flush" Chris explained "sounds easy enough" Duncan shrugged "it does doesn't it? But tonight's full moon is extremely extremely rare blue harvest moon and let's just say it has an unusual effect on the island animals. vultures you won the last challenge so you get this map with the fastest route across the island and hamsters you get to wear nifty bacon hats and sausage tails which should add to the fun when you come face to fang with the islands friendly creatures and by friendly I mean hungry." Chris laughed. Mike whispered a plan into Cams ear, then Zoey grabbed my arm and whispered something to me "Tell Cam, I saw Mike tripped him up" she whispered "I'm sorry what!?!" I said In confusion. Zoey remained serious and I whispered it to Cam "he did what!?!" He yelled in confusion.

We all began to run into the woods. As we ran Cam decided to confront Mike "Mike Why'd you break my glass?" He asked "what!?! I didn't! Who told you that!?!" Mike asked "Y/N" Cam said "Zoey said she saw you" I said to him "seriously? Oh man. I don't know what's been up with me lately I haven't been able to summon my other personalities for days and now I think I might be sleep walking and breaking things and- I'm so sorry Cam" he said to Cam "it's ok Mike I forgive you and I promise I'll help you figure it out whatever it is" Cam smiled before running into a tree! "Oh shoot! You okay Cam?" I asked as I helped him up. But then Seirra snatched him up. Then I looked at the moon "uh guys? You might want to see this" I said as I pointed to the sky. The moon had turned blue! "What in the world?" Zoey Asked "blue moonlight? Extraordinary!" Cam smiled. Suddenly Mike gasped and mubled something "you okay Mike?" I asked "uh! Yeah! Just uh- sweet moon" he smiled as he put his hand on my shoulder. I looked up at the moon with him and smiled before walking off.

Suddenly Seirra was getting attacked by birds! "Oh that's not good" I said nervously. Then I watched Mike and Cam running for it! "Wait up!" I yelled as I ran to help out Zoey. Seirra threw her bacon hat away and the duck that was chasing Zoey left to get it. "Few. Is everyone o- hey, where are all the guys" Zoey asked "I saw them making a run for it" I said to her "let's find them then!" She said as we ran the same direction.

As we ran I suddenly tripped! I sat up and looked around "Zoey? Sierra? Where is everybody!?!" I yelled as I noticed they were gone.

Zoey POV:

I kept running and Sierra ran off to find Cam "looks like it's just you and me Y/N" I smiled, then I noticed she was gone!
"Y/N!?!" I yelled, then I saw Seirra "where's Y/N?" I asked "I don't know, anyway let's move!" She smiled as she ran with Cam. "I hope she's okay..." I said as I ran after them.

Time skip

I ran ahead of Sierra and Cam, we decided to split up to find it. And then I found it! But It had fallen!  Then I heard something from behind me. "Mike! Hi" I smiled "uh- hi Zoey!" He smiled nervously "where did you go earlier-" suddenly he kissed me! "Mike! Aren't you and Y/N together!?!" I asked in panic as I blushed "hm? Oh yeah! Sorry but I wanted to kiss you for so long" he smiled. I smiled back.

Zoey confesional:

"Oh my god I kissed Mike!" I yelled in excitement "oh my god I kissed Mike!" I yelled in panic "I just kissed my best friends boyfriend!" I yelled in panic

Mal confesional:

"I need to get Zoey and Y/N heads out of the game. Now if only someone were to accidentally tell her."

End of confessional


I was wandering the Forrest when I saw Sierra! "Y/N! There you are! Let's go! I think Zoey found the bridge!" Cam smiled "okay!" I yelled back as I ran towards the bridge to see Mike and Zoey "hey guys!" I smiled "hi Y/N" Zoey said awkwardly "hey!" Mike smiled as he kissed my cheek. I looked back at Zoey and she looked very unsure. "Mike where did you go earlier?" I asked "sorry N/N a bear chased me away but I think I shook em" he said to me "but wouldn't he have been after a hug or something?" I asked "oh right! I'm an idiot" he said to me "I know how we can get across the pit!" Sierra grinned.

We stood on a tree holding onto a rope. "Seirra this doesn't seem safe!" I yelled "trust me! Just hold on and try not to think about it" she grinned. Suddenly we jumped and swung across the pit!

We ran towards the finish line and found Duncan! "Let's go! We've got a chance!" I yelled as we got closer! Suddenly the moon went back to normal! Then Mike gasped again and paused "uh how did I get here?" He asked "Mike c'mon!" I yelled "oh!" He yelled but it was too late. We had lost to the villains. Again.

We all sat at the campfire. "Okay people! Tonight we-" "wait! I volunteer for the flush of shame!" Cam yelled "no!" Seirra cried "Cam! Why?" I asked "I just can't take any more of- this!" Cam said as he pointed to Seirra crying on the floor. "Will isn't this a perfect way to introduce the surprise twist. Today's ejected hero is tomorrow's new villain." Chris announced "what!?!" Cam yelled "that's right instead of flushing Cameron I am sending him over to the villains team!" Chris smiled as we all gasped as Cam walked over.

Zoey POV:

I walked over to Mike "hey Mike" I smiled "hey Zoey" he smiled back "so about the challenge" I blushed "what happened in the challenge?" He asked "the kiss" I smiled "what kiss?" He asked. My heard stopped "you kissed me at the bridge remember?" I asked "nope nothing. Sorry Zoey" he said as he walked away to Y/N.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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