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You know for the first time in a long time I was actually getting good sleep! Until Chris decided to ruin that. He sounded an airhorn "RUN! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!" He yelled, I ran out of the cabin very quickly as soon as I heard the yelling, we stood in a group and it turns out last night Dekota came back as an intern "Challenge time!" Chris smiled as he pushed Dekota out if the way. "What? Now? In the middle of the night? When it's all...dark?" Brick asked.
"Your challenge, a scavenger hunt for three creepy souvenirs. Your locations, a haunted forest, a scary pet cemetery and an extra spooktasic cave. First team to each location gets a special clue. But watch out for boobytraps. I really went to town with em. So move fast, and stick together! You'll be penalized for every player you lose" Chris smiled "Uh what does the spider represent?" Cam asked "oh yeah there's some kind of gigantic mutant spider just running around on the loose" Chris smiled. Everyone (me included) were complaining or screaming  about the spider but no one was more scared than Cam. "There's nothing to fear but mortal terror itself, talk soon" Chris smiled as he sounded the airhorn again.

We ran into the forest, we caught up to rats but Jo wanted us to go ahead, our plan was to hide somewhere then follow them. So we all crammed into a bush. Then we saw the other team. "Inside a knot is a nest, your souvenir lives with a pest. Find Polaris to travel north west, Polaris is the North Star" Dawn said to her team, "the North star is right there so this must be NorthWest! There's a path!" Scott said as he ran. "They're getting away!" Jo Whispered as we tried to get out of the bush.

We arrived at a tree where half of team rat was. "Gee, maybe we should search for the object way over there with the rest of our teammates because it's not just the two of us!" Sam lied as they walked away. "Hey look team colours!" Cam pointed out, "could be a trap, we should send in our most expendable player" Jo said to us, "no one's expendable!" Brick said to Jo, "do you wanna play nice or do you wanna win?" Jo asked as she threw Cam into th tree! Luckily it wasn't a trap and he had actually found the key! "Nice going cam!" Mike smiled. Me and Zoey blushed a bit but I noticed and covered my face before she could see.


"My parents are very particular about who I date, so it's very rare for them to agree to let me go out with someone. The only time they did was Last year when I got asked out by the hottest guy in my school! His name is Samuel. But I showed up and he didn't. Then the next day at school turns out he had told everyone about it and that he was messing with me. I found this out because he had posted a picture of me waiting for him that his friends had taken. And this happened a few more times until I just gave up with relationships." I explained as I rubbed the back of my neck. "So that's why I'm nervous about what I'm feeling around Mike. I think he's different but one problem is my best friend likes him and-" then I stopped out of realization. "And she will see this after the show when she rewatches her season." I said as I buried my face in my hands with embarrassment "besides there's no way Mike would like me back"

Meanwhile in Mike's confessional

"Y/N, she's all I think about! At least when I'm in control"

End of mike's confessional

Mike picked up the key and held it up to us. "Hey Zoey, Y/N, do you think this'll-" "Mike where's Zoey?" I asked In a panicked voice. "Where's Zoey!?!" Mike panicked as he ran off to search for her. Then Jo started arguing with Brick. Eventually we got them under control and ran past the rats towards the pet cemetery.

We arrived and decided to split up. Mike went with me and Anne Maria and brick went alone. We walked around searching for anything, but Brick fell down a hole, wet himself then tried to dry off bug got taken! "Where is Brick!?!" I yelled "oh well, two words dead weight" Jo said "hey. Brick may not be attractive in any way but he's still a person" Anne Maria yelled, "Yeah your cutthroat attitude stinks!" Mike agreed. "It's called a winning attitude. Get used to it or get out of the way." Jo said to Mike. "You still didn't have to be so rude about it" I said "you heard me. Now shut up and let's continue Searching" she scoffed as I clenched my fists.

I was walking around with Anne Maria when Mike fell out of a tree and his shirt was ripped clean off! "Where's the freaking sun, how's a guy supposed to get a freaking tan over here" Vito scoffed. Anne Maria started fan girling but I was just standing there wondering if he was okay after falling from a tree! He then looked at me and winked. I waved awkwardly but I was slightly blushing. Anne Maria had found the key hole and the code! I had the key because Mike gave it to me before climbing the tree. I unlocked it and before I could do anything I was blasted into a grave!

I fell into the cold pit and I started freaking out. "Hello!?!" I called out. I hate small spaces. So being in a grave isn't the best situation for me! Then I saw Vito jump in the grave. he winked at me as he picked me up bridal style and jumped out of the grave. "Thanks" I smiled at him once he put me down, I was then handed a flashlight by Jo and we started moving.

We arrived at the cave, "hey where's Anne Maria and Mike?" I asked "don't care" Jo said as she walked inside. "Let's go" I said as we ran off to find them. We ran and eventually we found Anne Maria making out with Vito. I felt so annoyed at this. "Come on! We have a challenge!" I said to them. Nothing. "Guys?" Cam asked. Again nothing. "Come on this isn't what Chris meant by sticking together" Cam said again. 

We had managed to get them to the cave but they were still making out! "Guys! We need to stick to together" Cam reasoned. Nothing and by now I had enough. "Will you stop! We need to focus!" I yelled "sounds like someone is jealous the Vito isn't paying them attention" Vito smirked "I would rather lick the bathroom floor. Let's just focus" I said as I turned and turned on my flashlight. We walked through the cane until we saw something! But as everyones back was turned I felt a web stick to my back and pull me away!

I landed next to Zoey. "Hey" I smiled at her, "oh my gosh you okay!?!" She asked noticing the bruises on me from when I fell in the garve. "I'll live they're just Bruises" I said as we saw Cameron land next to us! Then me and Zoey looked down to see Anne Maria kissing Vito AGAIN!  "Huh!?! Get your lips off him!" Zoey yelled, "yeah do you really think Mike would want to do that!?!" I yelled. "Sorry you two, looks like Vito's only into Classy girls" Anne Maria smirked at us. "But I thought Mike was interested in me" Zoey sighed. "Zoey, no offence but WE HAVE BIGGER PROBLEMS!" I Yelled as me, Cam and Zoey saw the giant spider! "SOMEONE HELP!" I Yelled in fear. "DON'T MOVE I'M COMING!" Mike yelled. Suddenly Cam started to beat up that giant spider like it was nothing! Suddenly Svetlana jumped and landed next to me! "Mike how did you do that? Your amazing" Zoey smiled "yes I know, why are these roles so sticky?" She questioned. Then the spider web fell apart and we all crashed to the ground! And guess who was next to Zoey and landed on Mike! "Shoot I'm so sorry!" I yelled as I got off him, "uh what happened?" Mike asked. As we looked over at the spider to see "IZZY!?!" I Yelled in confusion. Good news Cam got over his arachnophobia! But now Cam is terrified of Izzy.

I sat outside the Cabins again and Zoey walked over to me. "I'm going to do it" she smiled "do what?" I asked "I'm going to tell Mike how I feel" She smiled again "that's good" I smiled when I felt like crying. "Wish me luck" she smiled as she walked towards the dock of shame to confess.

Zoey POV:
I stood on the Dock and Mike walked over "hey Zoey" he smiled "H...hey Mike" I said nervously "sooo what can I help you with?" He asked I took a deep breath. "I've had a crush on you for a while!" I blurted out, he didn't reply at first but then said "Zoey your such a kind person. But I don't like you back. I see you as a friend and I like someone eles. I'm sorry. I hope you can understand" he said to me. I felt my heart break into a million peices. "Okay" I smiled as I walked away. It was probably Anne Maria.


I sat at the Elimination ceremony and Zoey seemed off. "you okay?" I whispered. She shook her head and then Chris started speaking. "maggot, welcome to your first Elimination ceremony. And it seems like Tension is In the air." He smirked as he looked at Zoey and Mike. "Permission to volunteer for elimination. I don't deserve to be here, I violated my own code." Brick said to Chris. "Ha, no kidding sir leaks a lot" Jo smirked "at ease soldier. Tonight's eliminated maggot is tomorrow's new rat" Chris announced. So Brick is so on the other team.

I walked towards Zoeys bunk and sat down with her, "so you and Mike a thing now?" I asked "nope" she sighed. "God I'm so sorry! I'm sure you'll find someone he just wasn't the one" I smiled at her. "Thanks Y/N" she smiled as we hugged.

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