Chapter 1: Luke

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   Most people learn about the Greek gods in school.  I think I would have preferred it if only the Greek gods were real. 

  Or only one pantheon instead of so so many. Maybe then I would have enjoyed my life. 

   "HURRY UP LUKE! WE'RE GONNA BE LATE FOR CLASS!" A girl screamed from outside Luke's dorm. 

   "I'm coming, I'm coming!" Luke exclaimed, trying to balance and run as he put his shoes on. 

   "Hey hey Natellie." Luke greeted, with a huge smile. The brunette responded with a smile. "Hey yourself slowpoke." She replied. "Says the one who takes 3 hours every morning just to do her hair and make up." Luke replied with a laugh.  


   Natellie playfully punched Luke's arm. "H-hey. It's hard to look this good. You probably have a long skin and hair routine to make your skin so clean and hair so fluffy and silky?" She replied, laughing.  

   Luke looked at her confused.  

   "I don't have a skin or hair routine, other than washing and brushing. This is all natural." Luke informed his best friend. She looked at him like he had three heads. 

   "Lotion?" She asked. Luke shook his head no. "Brand name? Exfoliating cream? Some expensive shit?" She asked, becoming more and more shocked with each question. Luke shook his head no to all of them. "Just the stuff you buy at dollar tree." He said. 

   "So you've just always been like this?" She asked, mouth agape. "No. It started when I was 6. I wasn't the cutest child until then." I answered. "What happened?" She asked, hopefully, most likely so she could try.

   "I don't remember." He lied. He knew what happened that year but it didn't make sense. How was he supposed to explain that he ran away and was saved and looked after by a beautiful war time god, who lived in a forest, could shapeshift, had magic, taught him how to fight, and no matter what he couldn't find that forest. Then his great aunt brought him to a camp full of… how should he describe them without sounding crazy. Well they’re nice, his best friends, and fiance lives there, but it’s hard to describe them. 

   "Tell me, tell me, tell m-" she begged. "I'm telling you I don't remember. Anyway enough about me, how was dance practice, captain ~" he teased. 

   She smiled proudly and flipped her hair back. "It's great. There's a new girl. She's weird but she dances good." She answered. 

   "Ready for the daily confessions and squealing?" The dancer asked. Luke sighed. "I'm never ready. But that never stops it." He answered, putting his hand on his forehead.

   "When are you gonna admit you like guys?" The brunette asked, smirking. Luke looked her in the eyes and smirked back. "When are you gonna admit you're BI and prefer girls?" He shot back. "Point taken." She replied, pushing the school door open. 

   The two were imminently swarmed by boy girls and boys.

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