Chapter 4: Natellie

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No one moved for what felt like forever. 

“Looks like we know what type of god your father is.” Steve said. He sounded annoyed though. Natellie looked over and saw Luke terrified, and Emily and Steve glaring at him with disgust. 

What’s wrong with being the child of a fire god?

“Is there something wrong?” She asked. The two older demi-gods looked at each other then back to the younger two. “You better hope you are either Greek, Roman, Norse, or Egyptian.” Steve said. 

Emily grabbed Luke by his face. “There’s no way such a pretty face is anything less than Roman. No need to worry, Joli visage.” She said, Luke’s looking uncomfortable. 

“I’m not just a pretty face.” He pouted. “Yeah, you’re also a genius and a heartbreaker.” His friend said, laughing. 

“Attention good looking demigod passengers, we will be landing in the multi-demi station any minute now.” Steve said. “Why’s it called that?” Natellie asked. 


“It’s an abandoned train station. Inside you either take a portal or train to any of the pantheon areas.” Emily explained. “It’s also where all meetings, claimings, sortings and that stuff happens.” Steve added. 

The chariot started to lean downwards. “Hold on.” Emily said. We all grabbed onto the sides of the chariot. I looked down but only saw a forest. 

“Ummmmmm… That’s just a forest!” The two teens yelled. Just as they said that a bunch of the trees disappeared and in their place was a worn down warehouse with a missing roof that led into a gray room. 

Ugh, too far to see from up here. 

They went into a steep dive causing the three in the back to hold on tighter and scream, as Steve started laughing as if they were on a rollercoaster. 

As they entered the warehouse it revealed to be an undergro-

und train station with at least ten elaborately decorated doors.

They successfully landed and everyone got out of the chariot to be greeted by a tall, skinny but buff, raven haired teen wearing a yellow shirt and jeans, weirdly no shoes nor socks. 

“Emily, Steve, I hope you two gave these two the briefing and explained everything to them.” The guy stated. “Yes Luis, we explained everything besides how the claiming works.” Emily answered. “Also we were attacked by a griffin on the way here. Don’t tell Brian.” Steve added. “He’s gonna find out.” The guy now known as Luis said.

“Anyway. Welcome you two. We will start with the sorting and hopefully claimings then move onto the tours. Please step onto the red X and say your first name, last name, age, and think of something that makes you happy.” He explained. 

“Ladies first.” Luke said, giving Nat a bow. “Why thank you.” She replied with a curtsy before stepping forward onto the marked spot.

“Natellie Hope, seventeen.” She said, closing her eyes and thinking about when people are obsessed and fawning over her.

The second closest door on the left started blowing bright yellow. The door was made out of gold and sand block, with hieroglyphics and egyptian symbols.

“Congratulations Natellie Hope. You are an Egyptian demigod. Luckily we have an easy claiming for you egyptians.” He said, walking up to the door and grabbing a few items from a small table. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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