Chapter 2: Luke

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  Class went by slowly as usual.  He resized a few love letters which instantly went into the trash. 

  Obviously where no one could see. He's not mean.

  "Hey Natellie, why is the new kid staring at us like that?" Luke asked, taking a break from his lunch. Everyone at the table stopped and looked at him. 

  “People stare at us all the time. What’s so special about her staring?” She replied. “It’s just different.” He answered. 

  What he didn’t tell her was that that stare was not just a glare but also full of malice. Something didn’t seem right about him. He watched as the boy stood up and walked into the bathroom. 

  Luke stood up causing Natellie the look at him confused. 

“What are you doing?” She asked. “Just going to the bathroom.” He answered, giving her a smile. She shrugged and went back to talking to some random dude. 

  He made his way into the bathroom. 


  As the door slammed closed behind her. Luke turned around to see the new kid, leaning against the wall, and smirking, like he owned the place. 

  “What the fuck are you!?” Luke exclaimed. His smile widened causing his eyes to squint. Luke just stared. The boy's face resembles a fox, leaving him confused. 

  “Sad, you know nothing about your heritage.” He teased. 

  Thought this was supposed to happen when I was thirteen… maybe it was fifthteen… Whatever… anyway this was supposed to happen at least a year ago. 

  “What, you a Huli jing?” Luke asked, smile broding while giving his smile and going back to his normal tone.

  The boy’s body started shifting. 

  He was now a she. She was a few inches taller, a red and orange kimono, red hair, and most obvious of all, nine tails. She opened a fan and held it in front of her face, lightly fanning herself, a mischievous smile seen in her eyes. 

  “How’d you know half-blood?” She asked. “Not a reason for you to know.” He answered. 

  Luke held his hand out and produced a blue flame. Before she could react, she was a pile of ashes. 

  Just then the door swung open and a short haired dirty blonde with green eyes jumped in, swinging two swords. He recognized her as  the new girl on Natellie’s team. “Where’s the monster?!” She yelled, slowly realizing there wasn’t one. 

  Luke just looked at her, gave a big joking smile and pointed at the pile of ashes. “It was just a Huli jing. They’re mostly omens but since she pretended to be a human, I was able to kill her without consequences!” Luke proudly exclaimed.

  The girl just looked at her in shock and a bit of annoyance. “You mean I ruined my hair and broke a nail for NOTHING?!” She yelled. 

  “That’s what you’re worried about?” Luke asked, only showing amusement. He didn’t show nor communicate how appalled and disgusted he was by her reaction.

  She rolled her eyes and tsked. 

  “Whatever.” She said, then paused. She looked him up and down. “Say, What is a Huli jing and how’d you kill it? You obviously don’t have any training. I didn’t even know you knew you were a demi-god.” She asked. 

  He paused, hoping he wouldn’t have been asked this. 

  He sighed. “When I was six I was taken in by someone. I don’t know who or what he was, but he taught me how to fight, use my powers, taught me about the demi-god world, and told me I was a demi-god. I don’t know who my godly parent is though.” He explained. 

  The mystery girl didn’t react. “We’ll have to talk to Luis about that. But, first we have to get you and your friend to base.” She said. “Base?” He asked. She didn’t respond, just walked out.  

  Looks like papa was right. I miss him. 

  Luke followed right behind her. 

  “By the way, I never caught your name.” Luke said. “The names Emily Talbowa, daughter of Eros.” She answered, matter of factly. “Eros, Greek god of sexual attraction, son of Aphrodite and Ares, correct?” Luke asked. 

  “So you are more than just a pretty face.” Emily said, smiling. “You might be the child of a love or beauty god with your looks.” She added. 

  Unlikely… Luke doubted he was a child of a god of beauty or love. It wouldn’t explain his fire powers, plus he was told his godly parent is most definitely a fire god. 

  He just smiled. “Maybe. Won’t know until I do though.” He said. 

  “We should hurry and get your friend. There was already one monster after you, not unlikely there’s one here after her as well.” Emily said. 

  Luke nodded in response. 

  They would have to hurry. Luke doesn’t know what he would do if Natellie got hurt or worse killed by a monster, especially before even learning she’s a demi-god and finding out who her parent is. 

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