chapter 3: Luke

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Luke and Emily went over to Natellie. 

  Luke got her attention and convinced her to come with them. 
  He didn’t trust Emily despite knowing she’s a demi-god and was gonna take them to safety. He didn’t want to leave his best friend alone with her. 

  “So how are we getting there?” Luke asked.

  “Will one of you please tell me where we’re going?” Natellie pleaded. Luke grabbed his best friends hand and looked her seriously in her eyes. “Turns out my dad and your mom are two people who are very important and very powerful. Despite not knowing them we’re going somewhere safe. That’s all I know but the rest will be explained to us once we’re there.” Luke sternly explained. 

  “H-h-how do you know? Was she the one who told you? How do you know she’s not lying?” Natellie started asking and beginning to panic. “Because when I was in the bathroom I was attacked by someone because of who my father is. She even said so.” Luke replied. 

  Natellie just looked at him, studying to see if he was telling the truth, then nodded. 

  “Hurry up you two!” Emily called. “Our ride will be here soon.” She said, looking at the sky. “Ummmmmmm… What are we waiting for?” Luke asked. 


  As if on cue a chariot with a pegasus landed in front of them. Inside the chariot was a boy, about sixteen. “STEVEYYYYY!” Emily let out a high pitch squeal as she ran up and kissed the guy. 

  As they separated he wrapped an arm around her waist and she wrapped one of her arms around his neck. Luke was finally able to get a good look at him. He has a nice tan, a chiseled jawline, hazel eyes, fluffy but tidy short dirty blonde hair, with some blue and green face paint that Luke thought looked as if it was meant to resemble earth symbols and designs. He had a plain green t-shirt and jeans on. 

  “Luke, Natellie, this is my boyfriend Steve. He will be taking us to safety.” Emily said, with a huge smile. 

  Luke looked back over to his friends. “Natellie?”. She looked like she was between fainting, screaming, and running away in terror. “W-w-w-where did he come from?! WILL SOMEONE EXPLAIN WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?!” She screamed. 

  “Long story short, you two are demigods, and need to be trained so you can protect yourselves and other things depending on what pantheon you’re a part of.” Steve explained. 

  Natellie started laughing. “Are you hearing this Luke? These people are crazy. We should get back and tell the teachers about two crazy kids trying to kidnap students.” She said, glaring at Emily and Steve. 

  She started walking away. 

  “They’re telling the truth Nat.” Luke siad. She stopped. “What are you talking about?” She asked. “When I was in the bathroom I was attacked by a huli jing.” Luke explained. “A hooly what?” Everyone else asked. 

  “A huli jing is a shapeshifting fox spirit. They usually are omens but you can only kill one if it tricks a human, otherwise you can’t, but if you somehow do there will be consequences.” He explained. 

  She turned around and looked Luke into eyes. He could swear she was looking into the deepest and darkest parts of his soul. 

  “Are you lying?” It sounded more like a statement than anything. Luke just shook his head. They just stood there, looking at each other. 

“Ok, I’ll come.” She relented. 

  Luke gave a wide smile. He grabbed his best friend's wrist and pulled her onto the chariot. “Good, now let’s get going.” Steve said. He took hold of the reins and they took off. 

“What did you mean by children of gods?” Nat asked. “Like Greek?” “There are multiple possibilities. You could be Roman, Greek, Egyptian, Norse, Japanese, many possibilities.” Steve answered. “I’m Greek, daughter of Eros, but Stevey is Aztec, son of tlaltecuhtli.” Emily answered. 

“Aztec? Tlaltecuhtli?” Both Luke and Natallie asked. “She is the Mexican Earth god. Because i'm a Aztec I have to wear this paint on missions, but it’s so annoying. Everyone thought I was a son of Zues but NOPE. Son of an unknown ugly god.” Steve said, rolling his eyes. 

It’s official. Luke did NOT like these two. 

“Let’s hope you two don’t have that problem. You Luke look like a son of Aphrodite. And you Natellie, also look like a child of a love goddess, but with your dance you might be the child of a dance god.” Emily said. 

“Listen Luke. Your father is a fire god, like one of my husbands. Don’t let others make you believe your worth depends on who your godly parent is, for you are also my only son.”

That’s what his papa told him on his eighth birthday. 

“How long until we arrive?” Natellie asked. “We should be there any m-” The chariot was hit, causing all four of them to lose their balance. 

Luke and Emily ran over to see what hit them. They were met with a piercing eagle screech. 

“IS THAT A GRIFFIN?” Natellie screamed. “Steve, how do we kill a griffin?!” Emily panicked.

The Griffin screeched at is clawed st the chariot.

  “I DON’T KNOW! Griffins are from multiple pantheons! There is no way to know which one this is with these two unclaimed! ” Steve replied. “If we get back to base we will have help! For now just make sure it doesn’t destroy this chariot. I don’t want an angry son of Jupiter yelling at me!” Steve yelled. 

  Son of Jupiter?! 

Son of Jupiter BAD BAD BAD! DON’T TRUST! DON’T GO NEAR! Don’t trust sons of Jupiter Don’t trust sons of Jupiter!

That was weird. 

“LUKE!” Natellie screamed. He looked at her seeing the horrified expression she now had. 

Following her eyes he saw his hair was on fire. 
  Welp… secrets out.

He screamed and panicked. “GET IT OFF ME GET IT OFF ME!” He yelled, bringing his hands to his head. 

The griffin made a squawking roar sound and swooped in. Luke held his hands out to seem like he’s attempting to shield himself. Once the griffin was close enough he shot flames from his hands, burning the griffin. 

It once again did the eagle screech before disintegrating.

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