Chapter Twenty

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   Instead of taking me home I had them drop me off at Thomas's office, I had a gut feeling maybe Tommy would show up here or call so I wanted to be here. It just so happens I'm not alone. Tommy gave me a key to be able to enter whenever I please but when I got here I saw the lights on. Part of me hoped it was Tommy already here but as I got inside I saw Michael.

   "Oh hello Michael what are you do it here?" I ask setting my purse down on Lizzie's desk.

   "Did really feel like being home alone right now and I have business to discuss with Tommy if he shows up," he says leaning back in his chair.

   "Okay we'll I'm gonna sit here and join you in waiting to see if he shows, I won't be a bother, might nap if anything it's been a long day," I say heading to sit in Tommy's chair.

   "I might as well too," Michael says with a laugh.

   I just smile and lay my head down on the desk.

   It takes me a while to get comfortable and even when I do all I think about is Tommy and where the hell did he go.

   It didn't feel like I was asleep too long when I heard a bang on one of the desks. I didn't lift up still pretending I was asleep.

   "Polly and I had a bet," Tommy says, Michael must still be here and as if on cue I hear him yawn and get him.

   "One of us bet you'd take the money and go, and one of us bet you'd still be here," I heard Tommy say getting closer to his desk.

  "She wants me to stay," Michael says and I hear Tommy grab some glasses.

   "You know something Michael, what Polly wants Polly gets," Tommy says, he must also realize I'm here because I feel his hand rub my back once he sets the glasses down.

   "I've decided, I want to make real money, with you," Michael says.

   I hear them clink their glasses in agreement then Tommy asks, "how long has she been here?"

   "She got here a little bit after me about two hours ago," Michael says.

   "Hm, Ivy sweetheart wake up," Tommy says gently running his hand on my back again.

   I slowly sit up and stretch, giving Tommy a small smile.

   "Hi there," he says smiling and that's when I notice the blood on his face.

   I quickly get up and take his head in my hands examining him.

   "Tommy what the hell happened?" I ask frantically.

   "It's okay sweetheart I'll tell you everything," he says grabbing my hands and kissing them.

   I just look at him and frown.

   "Thank you Michael for staying with her, you can leave and we'll talk about business later," Tommy says shaking Michaels hand.

   "See you soon Tommy, bye Ivy," Michael says nodding in my direction.

   "Tommy tell me everything!" I say sternly.

   "I will, now come sit," he says sitting down in his chair motioning for me to sit in his lap.

   I sit down and he wraps his arms around me and leans in to give me a quick kiss.

   "Ivy, I've been secretly doing things for the IRA and for Campbell, all those strange meetings and sitting outside of random houses was apart of that," he says.

   I just nod as a way for him to continue.

   "Everything at Epsom was going fine, until these men dressed as officers took me away," he says looking down at me.

   "What happened," I say putting my hand up to his face cupping his cheek.

   "They put me in a car and drove me to a field, there was a grave dug up, I thought it was meant for me, I got in it and all i thought about was you Ivy, the love of my life, and then all of a sudden the gunman shot the other two men, and said to me that Churchill will want to speak to me soon," he says.

  "Holy shit Tommy, what the hell, I'm so glad you're okay" I say in disbelief hugging him.

   "Very eventful day, now tell me Ivy how did you end up here?" He asks, his head on top of mine.

   "Well you see, Ada and I had the whole day planned with Karl, but while I was getting ready Polly barged in insisting I go with her to Epsom," I say and his arms tighten around me.

   "What the fuck Ivy, I didn't want you to go and put yourself in danger," he says easing his voice a bit.

   "Tommy all she wanted was support, she went to kill Campbell," I say pulling away from his chest to look at him.

   "It was still too dangerous for you!" He says.

   "She killed him Tom, he's finally gone," I say smiling.

   He looks at my expression and smiles too then says, "mission accomplished then, doesn't make it any less dangerous, and who knew you'd be so happy for someone to die."

   "Well when that someone is a fucker like Campbell you celebrate," I say laughing.

   "What have I done to you love, you used to be so sweet," he laughs.

   "What you don't like it?" I say frowning.

   "Of course I like it sweetheart, I could never not like you," he says kissing me.

   We sit like this for a second until I say, "Tom what was Grace doing there?"

   "She was trying to convince me to break things of with you and go back to her, but I told her I would never do that," he says.

   "Then why was she waiting around like she'd see you again?" I ask.

   "Ivy she doesn't know how to take no for an answer, but believe me I'd never leave you," he says pulling me close again.

   "I believe you Tom, I love you," I say breathing his scent in to try and calm me.

   "I love you Ivy," he says kissing the top of my head.

   I take another deep breath before telling him my biggest secret, "Tommy, I'm pregnant."

New chapter!!!!! Hope you all like it!
This book will be ending soon either one or two chapters left :(
I have a new book coming out soon as well! Different from Invisible String called Shades of Cool and it should be available to save now!

Invisible String - Thomas ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now