Chapter 2 - The First Party

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Kyle's Pov:

As me and Tolkien continued walking into the house party it became harder to navigate as people everywhere moved their bodies to the current music that was probably popular on the radio. Although the music wasn't my vibe, the energy definitely was. I felt myself get excited seeing how good of a time everyone else was, and wanted to maybe test if Tolkien could keep up with me.

"Hey, do you like dancing?" I said to him screaming over the music as we paused in the middle of the crowd.

"Of course." Tolkien said laughing a bit. I felt myself getting a evil grin as the music blared. The leftover buzz I had from the alcohol made me bold, as I realized I had already grabbed onto his hand and drug him deeper into the crowd. As people danced around us, we began dancing close to each other as some 2013 edm blarred, good enough for me. I felt bodies moving all around me as I tried to keep close to Tolkien, as he laughed at how focused I was on the music and my movements.

"God you're fucking amazing." He ended up saying, which caught me by surprise. It felt like flirting, like, it was the type of sentence only said by corny white guys trying to take a girl home.

"I know right." I said smiling at him, trying to accept his comment without showing any emotion back, it was my specialty.

We danced and danced until I needed a break. My lungs were on fire and my legs were on the brink of giving out.

"I'm gonna go get a drink!" I screamed at Tolkien, he replied with a thumbs up as he kept dancing, and I made my way to the open-kitchen area through the thick crowd. Once I knocked over a few cups, I finally squeezed my way through to the fridge, as I rummaged through it looking for any alcohol. To my disdain, there was none to be found. I did a loud "ugh" that was drowned out by the music as I began looking around for anything, but eventually came up short again. Feeling annoyed, but not defeated, I began trying to search for Tweek or Craig, since they'd definitely know where the rest of the alcohol was.

I looked all over the house, through crowds, and outside, but nothing. I knew there was no way they were gone, since it was Craigs party, so I decided it was time to look in the upstairs rooms. It was a pretty well known unspoken rule to not barge into rooms at a house party, because we all know what goes on in them, but I didn't care, I was too sober for my liking after throwing up. I wanted to get fucked up.

I began looking in each and every room, I started with the bathroom, to which I only found a drunk girl in the bathtub covered in her own vomit. "She's so me." I thought to myself as I laughed through my nose, and continued to the next one.

After walking in on multiple couples doing the deed I began getting annoyed, until I finally found a locked room. I jiggled the door handle around, but no budge. I started becoming frustrated when my knocks weren't being answered, so I began looking for a solution. I pulled out my wallet and looked for my coke spoon keychain, a gift given to me by a nice lady at the club. I stuck it through the lock and yanked it around the keyhole until eventually the door unlocked and I busted in.

"AGHH!" I heard Tweek scream as Craig looked up from the position they were in. It was clear they had been making out, but nothing more, yet Tweek was acting like they had just been caught doing the most vile act ever.

"It was locked for a fucking reason." Craig said in a monotone voice as he death glared me, his body being held up by his muscular arms as his boyfriend continued twitching.

"Yeah I know sorry but I reeeeaallyy needed to know where the alcohol was." I said smiling and clasping my hands together.

Craig rolled his eyes and put his hand over Tweeks mouth, muffling the slight screams Tweek was known for. I nearly envied him for being manhandled by such an athletic dude, those swim team boys always made me drool.

met you at the party - a scene kyle x goth stan style ficWhere stories live. Discover now