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Earth's Cub Interstellar
Becomes Famous

Chapter 114 Live Blue Star

    —One day, two days, three days.

    Three days have passed since the civilian starship entered the black planet. During these three days, their exploration machine has never been able to get close to the atmosphere of the planet.

    "Okay, then come here as soon as possible." The captain of the five-person exploration team hung up the communicator at this time. He turned his head, looked at the team members behind him, and said: "The hundred-person survey team over there at the Capital Star The group has arrived and will meet us in half an hour at most. This time they brought the latest high-performance equipment, saying it should be able to pass through the atmosphere and resist." "Is there

    such an equipment? What about the one three days ago? Does a civilian starship also use this latest technology? Otherwise, why would they be able to enter?" A team member couldn't help but say.

    Another team member shook his head: "I have watched the surveillance of civilian starships entering the black planet hundreds of times. Although it is a 3S starship, the external material is not a special material." The

    team leader clapped his hands . : "Anyway, let's meet up with Capital Star first. We'll see how they arrange it then."

    Twenty minutes later, the five-person team met the leaders from Capital Star. After handing over the situation, they came to take charge in person. Director Vick of the General Administration of Planetary Exploration directly ordered: "Send the new surveyor over."

    During the sending process, everyone on site gathered in front of the big screen in the control room, and everyone tensed up...

    One minute - Seconds passed, and soon, the new surveyor broke through the atmospheric range that was originally inaccessible, and continued to move forward steadily.

    "It's successful! It's really successful! You can really enter!"

    Before the cheers could stop, the next second...

    "Didi-di-di, di-di-di!"

    The extremely fast alarm sounded, and the staff operating the machine immediately rushed to the scene. The machine is taken back.

    After leaving the atmosphere, the machine returned to its normal appearance, and the atmosphere at the scene instantly dropped to freezing point.

    It failed. The new surveyor could not get close to the black planet...

    After Director Vic was silent for more than ten seconds, he suddenly turned around and walked out of the control room. Others quickly wanted to follow, but he waved his hand to signal to others. No need to follow him. It wasn't until he walked into the corridor outside that he turned on his optical computer and dialed the number for the president.

    "Didi-di-di, di-di-di." The crisp communication prompt echoed continuously in the spacious room.

    The sound was disturbing, and Donald raised his hand and touched his neck.

    Unexpectedly, as soon as he moved, the father next to him gave him a cold look. Donald had to put down his hands and look forward at the same time.

    The place where they are now is in a high-end suite of a hotel.

    This hotel has been completely controlled by them.

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