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There were two new emails waiting for him when he got home. There'd already been one, actually, that had come in while he was out with Yujin that he'd missed in his hurry to send his reply, but he sat down at his desk to read both of them through now.

Sender: Unknown Domain

Subject: Well...

I don't know how much I can tell you without disrupting the flow of events any more than I already have. I'm sorry for keeping secrets. I'm afraid I'll say something I wasn't supposed to say and things will end differently, but not in the different way I hoped it would end. In the future, you are the person I fell in love with. I am writing in the hopes that I can save you. In my timeline, you died on the 16th of February, 2025. You were with some friends who were drunk, and the car you were in drove off a bridge into a lake, and you drowned. Everyone else in that car survived but you, so my wish is to save you alone.

Now that I think about it, maybe I should have led with that piece of information, but I don't think you would have believed any of it if I'd told you that from the start. This is all I can say. I'm afraid I'm already pushing my limits. Whatever you do on the 16th of February 2025, don't go out with those people. I wish I could tell you who, but I don't remember who they are.

As for why I'm emailing you, I guess you could say I just wanted to talk to you again. You can think I'm weak, for not being able to let go of you after seven years. I know I am. I just wish you were here.



Sender: Unknown Domain

Subject: Oh?

You believe me now? What brought this on?



Gyuvin was still reeling from the contents of the first email. Closing the second one, he reopened the original email and stared at the words on the screen until they were burned into the backs of his eyes.

You are the person I fell in love with.

I am writing in the hopes that I can save you.

Reply to: Unknown Domain

Subject: Re: Well...

Are you joking?

His fingers were shaking as he pulled his hand away from his keyboard.

How was one supposed to wrap their head around the fact that they'd just been given their own death sentence?

A reply came minutes later.

Sender: Unknown Domain

Subject: I apologize

Gyuvin, I'm sorry for scaring you. That is not my intention. You are not going to die. Everything I have done so far is to prevent that. As long as the actions you take from now on do not deviate too far from the original events of my timeline, you will not die in 2025. I cannot say when you will. After the 16th of February I will probably not be able to contact you anymore because you not dying will drastically change the course of events. It will likely lead to me never having discovered this way of communicating with you. By then my purpose of saving you will be fulfilled. If everything works out the way it's supposed to, you will be alive in my timeline, and all will be right.

I suppose you will be meeting me soon in your timeline. The date we first met was the 28th of December. I don't think it'll hurt for you to know this. You must be very careful from now on not to act uncharacteristically because of any information I give you. Like I've said before, I can't risk it. I must save you. As such, please go on with your life as you would have.



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