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Reply to: Unknown Domain

Subject: Re: Strawberry shortcakes

I stand by my opinion that mango is the better flavor. Unless there's some dramatic overhaul of strawberries between 2023 and 2030, nothing you say can change my mind. Strawberries are sometimes sour as hell. Have you ever had a sour mango? Case in point.

It's nearing the end of December now. When am I going to meet you? You should have known better than to do this to an impatient person like me. I don't know how much longer I can wait. Just come to me already.

Anyway, since you can't tell me about your day as usual, I'll tell you about mine. I just got back to campus, because I was home a few days ago celebrating Christmas with my family. Today's supposed to be the day we shuffle roommates, but since my roommate's staying on another semester, I have nothing to do today. I might go to the gym later, actually. I think I've eaten so much this Christmas I could die. You can't prevent me from dying of gluttony, can you? Kidding.

Please come to me soon. I'll be waiting.

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