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Reply to: Unknown Domain

Subject: Re: I apologize

Okay, I've reread your previous emails a couple of times. I think I understand what you're trying to tell me. It scares me a little that I have no idea what I could potentially do that could change the course of events, but I'll try my best to act the way I usually do, as you said.

Thank you for going to all this trouble. If you're 28 now, then it must have been almost seven years since I died. Thank you for not forgetting me. Whether or not you are successful, I will always be grateful to you for trying.

So, you said you fell in love with me. Was I in love with you too? Did we date? What kind of person are you? I know you can't tell me too much about yourself, but I really am curious. We must have known each other for more than a year before I kicked the bucket. What kind of person did I become? I need to know if I graduated with honours. Seriously, I'm so stressed about school I'm having a headache even typing this.

Sender: Unknown Domain

Subject: What the...

Do you not understand the rules of time interference????? You're asking really difficult questions I don't even know if I'm allowed to answer. Don't be so greedy. Have faith in yourself, you're in law school for a reason. Yes, we dated. Whether you loved me is something no one can answer for anyone else, but I hope you did. What kind of person did you become? were the best person I ever knew. In my memory, you still are. Don't let that inflate your ego any more than necessary.

Did you seriously just use "kick the bucket" regarding your own death? I guess I'd forgotten how cavalier you were. Talking to you reminds me so much of him. I know you are him, but still. I guess that's one of the reasons I started writing to you, too. I was beginning to forget you. You can think I'm selfish. In saving you, I am saving myself.



They talked every day, from then on. "He" never said much more about himself or gave any information that would allow Gyuvin to find out who he was, but Gyuvin didn't mind it so much anymore. He knew "he" had his own agenda to work with. Gyuvin's job was nothing more than to keep on living, quite literally.

"Hey, Gyuvin-ah, I forgot to tell you," Jiwoong said one day in November, as he hung up his jacket on a hook behind their dorm room door. "I'm staying on next semester, so we'll still be roommates until next summer."

"Oh?" Gyuvin looked up from one of his textbooks. "What changed?"

"Remember that professor's internship programme you told me about?" Jiwoong answered, sinking down into his chair. "I applied for it and one of my history professors came to me and told me he'd be delighted for me to be his intern for a semester. The pay's pretty good, too, so I don't really mind staying on."

"Congratulations!" Gyuvin said cheerily, throwing one of the soft toys on his bed over at Jiwoong to show his sincerity. "So I guess I'm still stuck with you next semester..."

Jiwoong pulled a face. "Yeah you are. Don't act like you're not happy to have a roommate who buys you food twice a week."

"You're right. Hyung, please be my roommate forever."

"Go to hell. I'm buying you grass for dinner."

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