happy new years

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Welp uhh I guess happy new years everyone or eve idk when I gonna post this. So how it going I know I don't post alot and probably waiting for a new chapter but I not here for that, I'm here to say...thank you once again.

For being here with me on this small journey...even tho I know heck my writing never improve but ya'll still stay around to read em and that make me proud, and just bring me joy that people still read my stories even tho I doubt myself always thinking they bad or suck.

But opening up my eyes seeing people completing them saying how they exited for next chapter, they love it n' all that honestly make me wanna cry cause I never known for being much of a writer but always coming up with stories and scenarios in my head thinking what if I make these stories in my head a reality.

And I do but...some not always work or that popular cause I see now certain people want to read certain things or that theme of the story is not that popular as it use to be, which make me a bit sad it's not. But I don't give up I continue to make ya'll happy with the stories that are even if they getting less and less votes then they use to get.

But I keep moving and pursuing myself to continue writing till I can't no more, which bring me...I quiting soon after I finish my stories I gone I not writing no more seeing I MYSELF  is getting bored of it. And it doesn't surprise me cause I get bored of stuff pretty easily same with being on wattpad now cause it seems there nothing out there that peak my interests that I losing interest in wattpad all together.

So yeah I might still be on here or just completely dip out on wattpad and move to quotev (even tho I already did, not in story making I just been reading....and damn there some good ahh story there, like I read a Knb story there instead of wattpad) Anyways yeah that all I want to say thank you all for being here with me. The follows, votes, etc....Thank you.

Goodbye 2023 and Hello 2024 ★


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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