Twenty Four

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The sun had begun to set as they approached Three, and he wondered if the greeting party might have turned in for the night. The idea of walking through the District unaccompanied unsettled him. Everything had gone right over the past few days, and any minor hiccup threatened that.

Fortunately, four peacekeepers were waiting for them, albeit on the somber side. One of them perked up when they saw Olivia step off the train, a newfound bounce in his step.

"Ms. Lumen, what a pleasure! Looks like you'll be under our watch over the next day." His jovial tone carried across the platform, but wavered once the peacekeeper's eyes landed on the second guest.

"Peacekeeper Colit, at your service." Colit gruffed out, his tone more respectful once he realized he was in the presence of other Capitol citizens. He cleared his throat, eyeing the limited space between Coriolanus and Olivia.

Coriolanus nodded, being sure to keep his chin raised and his shoulders back, towering over the boy in front of him. Colit had to only be a few years older than them but stood about a foot shorter. His slicked back hair and beady brown eyes made him look like a rat. His crooked nose and weak jaw were no worry for Coriolanus, it was clear whatever crush he had on Olivia was juvenile at best.

Colit led the way up ahead, turning back occasionally to steal glances at Olivia, but her gaze never wavered. Coriolanus decided to stare into the back of his head as they walked, hoping he could feel the burning sensation as he condemned him to a life of uneventfulness in the Districts.

"We might have to make some different arrangements with the innkeeper. She's only done up one room for you, we weren't expecting another guest." Colit's voice rang out, gravelly and annoying.

"That won't be necessary, Colit. We'll be sharing. Thank you for your concern though." Olivia didn't hesitate, her tone giving off a slight warning. Whatever jokes he used to share with her on her past visits were no longer welcome. Coriolanus bit his tongue to stop himself from laughing as Colit shook his head, keeping his eyes forward for the rest of their walk.

In the dark, District Three didn't look like much. Small posts adorned the pathway, housing tiny candles that flickered with the wind. Thick, dark buildings lined the streets, factories and workshops that had all closed down for the night. A hum of electricity still filled the air, showing that there was at least some life out here.

His nose wrinkled at the thought – a solid life out in Three. It was laughable and so was Colit's infatuation. Watching the Hunger Games in the town square this year might just stop him in his tracks.

The inn was similar to the last one they visited, made out of old wood and draped in lavish fabrics. Filled to the brim with colours of red and gold, symbolizing Three's love and affection for Panem to anyone who dared to visit. Coriolanus wondered if the structures pre-dated the rebellion or if these were newly built to remind the people of their leaders.

They walked through thick doors and were greeted by another innkeeper whose name must have slipped their minds. She directed them towards the dining hall to the right, mentioning dinner would be ready soon.

Olivia and Coriolanus sat at the far end, hoping to get some privacy from the watchful eyes of the peacekeepers. This group, for some reason, gave Coriolanus a weird feeling. Colit's boldness had clearly gone unchecked in the past, and he wondered what else might have slipped through the cracks. The four peacekeepers sat a couple tables down, their eyes glancing over at the two Capitol kids who were huddled close together in discussion, hoping to hear any small tidbit of information that might help them understand the purpose of the visit.

Dinner came out to them shortly after, with two large plates being delivered to Coriolanus and Olivia before the peacekeepers. The steaming plates of mash and grey meat had to be the most unappetizing out of everything he had experienced thus far. He missed the fresh seafood from Four that reminded him of home.

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