Chapter 7

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Y/n's pov
Me, Sidney, Dewey and Hallie were waiting in the Police office because After what Cotton said our bodyguards were obviously thinking that  he is the killer, that's why now he's being interrogated by our bodyguards and the sheriff.

"That shouldn't been Randy, It should have been me."
Sidney said.

"No Sid, please Randy's death it's not your fault,  I know how hard It Is to deal with It, and I know how you feel... But we can't give up now, we have to get revenge for all the innocent people who died by the hands of this murderer."
I said that probably because Sidney Is  feeling really guilty about everything that happen. Even if She doesn't want to show It I know that Deep inside She'll Always feel this way.
I said that but I was the one who wanted to end my life Just a day ago, and the one who decided to make out with the two boys that killed her best Friends and that ruined' my life.
I realized how much I fucked up. I'm a horrible person.
After thinking about the disgusting things I've done I quickly got up from my chair because I needed to go to the bathroom and throw up, maybe I thought that by doing It, all the things  I did and that happened, would disappear.

"Where are you going Y/n? Is everything okay?"

"Y-Yeah, don't worry I'm Just heading to the bathroom."

"Alright, if you Say so..."

I started walking to the bathroom as fast as possible but at the same time without people noticing I was breaking down.

I finally reached It and locked myself inside.
I felt my knees getting weak and I fell to the floor.
I just wanted to forget everything, why did I let them kiss me? Why did I let them hug me and stay with me all the night? And why did I like it so much?
My stomach hurts and I 'finally' let everything out by throwing up.

My eyes started tearing up, and now tears were streaming down my face.
So many sobs left my mouth, and even if I was all alone I tried to stay quiet.

After a couple of minutes I heard my phone ringing.
I can't stand them right now, but I decided to be brave and pick up the phone.

"Ehm, hi, who's this?"
I tried not to sound like I Just cried but my voice broke a bit anyway.

I impatiently waited for an answer.

"Hello Y/n, how are you feeling? I just find out about Randy, and I know that you two were close."
My eyes widened when I find out Who was calling me.

It was Mickey.

I didn't expect a call from him, It passed a lots of time since I last talked to him.

"Oh Mickey, uhm well it's not the best time I've ever had. I appreciate that you called me, thank you so much, I'm sorry if we didn't really see eachother in the last few days, I've been busy and with all this things happening---"

"Mhh it's okay babe, don't worry about It I'm sure we'll see eachother pretty soon.
If you need anything please come to me, you know how much I care about you."

"I know Mickey, thank you again for checking on me."

"Bye my dear, see you soon."

With that the call ended but I actually had a weird feeling about him, maybe I'm Just overthinking. I was actually happy that he called and I remembered that before all this I had a small crush on him.
But After the murders and Billy and Stu showed up I can't stop thinking about them, and the things we've done the other night.
I felt hot in my cheeks thinking about It, I know how wrong It Is, but at the same time I can't help It.

"Uh, I think I have to get back to the others, I stayed here for a little too long."
I opened the bathroom door and walked back to my Friends.

"Hey Y/n what took you so long?"

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