Eye of the Moon

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 I slid under the blankets as far away from him as I could manage. I didn't know what was worse: being forced to be naked, or him not even noticing that I was naked.

He joined me in the bed, and read through a book for a while. He completely ignored me.

I cried for a long time. At least until I fell asleep. Maybe even in my sleep.

I knew Gabel felt it. I could sense he didn't sleep either.

I woke up with him at dawn and joined the pack for breakfast. I didn't have to. But it flattered the pack that I did, even if I said nothing and just dipped my spoon in and out of my oatmeal. Gabel murmured to everyone I was going to scry later and it would be best if I ate little.

That was true. I also didn't want to eat. I felt hollow. He had ripped my clothing off. Forced me to undress. Forced me to be naked with him.

Gardenia wasn't at breakfast. She was awake, but had an intricate two hour grooming ritual that meant she couldn't possibly be seen before 9AM. I think I would have told her she could have Gabel.

I considered my morning grooming complete having brushed my hair and splashed cold water on my face to chase away the bags under my eyes. I was naturally pale. Makeup didn't help that. I wasn't a sickly pale. I was moon-touched pale. I sort of liked to flaunt my moon-touched skin instead of bury it under makeup. Especially so early in the day.

I had hoped Gabel would forget about his question, or not have figured out what he wanted to ask, but no such luck. After breakfast he took me out onto the stone veranda overlooking the massive gardens. He handed me a cup of coffee, which I declined. I really wanted it, but if I was going to scry, I couldn't have it.

I stood as far away from him as I could manage and crossed my arms across my breasts. I didn't look at him.

He ignored my unhappiness. "I've thought of the question."

"What is it?" I didn't look at him.

"Yes or no questions are best, right?"

"Answers are usually more like sorta and sorta not." I did not want to talk to him. The previous evening was still fresh in my mind, and I wanted nothing to do with Gabel. "But the more specific, the better."

"Is Alpha Anders of Gleaming Fang disloyal." He stated.

"That's the question?"

"That's the question."

That was a pretty specific question. No putting this off. "Do you have a picture of Anders?" I didn't need it but it'd make it easier. I didn't feel like putting in a lot of work for Gabel.

"Yes. And a letter he sent me. Something he's touched will work, won't it?"

"Yes." Damn. There was no putting him off that morning.

I followed Gabel to his office, where he handed me a printed out picture of Alpha Anders and the letter. Then he dismissed me with a flick of his hand. I was grateful to leave and asked my goons to show me to the room he had set aside.

The room was in the far east wing of the house, all windows along the far wall so the moon's light could stream in as it crossed the sky. A thick rug had been placed in the middle of the otherwise bare room. There were no curtains on the windows and no other furniture. The room had been scrubbed from top to bottom with harsh soap.

I would have to do the consecrations myself but the room had been properly prepared.

I really wished Gabel wasn't such a damn know-it-all about everything.

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