An Unexpected, Unwanted Ally

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 Gabel wanted me to beg.

Or he wanted me to at least whimper about it.

Somewhere deep inside myself I sobbed with pain and humiliation. But I focused on my contempt for him. I didn't say anything, because that would disrespect him and earn me punishment. But I could feel his discomfort. He didn't like it.


As we got dressed after breakfast in preparation for Anders' arrival, I focused on feeling utter contempt for his pretensions to be a King Alpha.

Perhaps he could roll over all of the packs and conquer everyone, but how would he rule? He'd rule through force and intimidation, and once day he'd run out of force. Or he'd simply die, and his heir wouldn't be as cruel and deranged as him, and his kingdom would split apart.

The best King Alphas, the ones who created bloodlines and kingdoms that existed for generations, they ruled through compassion and wisdom first, and violence only when needed. They never abused or humiliated their Queens. They had always revered their Queens and families.

When Platnium showed up at our bedroom door, dressed and coiffed in a delicate purple sundress, I focused on my disgust for an Alpha who would abuse a scared, holy promise just for his own amusement, and for a King Alpha who would humilate his Queen with such a cheap, tawdry female. At least have better taste!

I didn't think much of the stupid little twit who was a party to it either.

I had chosen to wear a dark blue satin dress that showed off my pale skin. And the obvious Mark on my neck. Platinum's eyes zeroed on it and her brows drew together in a little scowl.

I smirked at her. She was a dalliance. A pawn. I was the one with the Mark. I almost laughed at how stupid she was letting herself get used this way. I certinatly didn't pity her anymore.

Perhaps word would get around to the other strong packs that Gabel disrespected his Bondmate, his Bond, the Moon Herself, and it might spur them to unite against him.

Probably not, but I liked the thought of Gabel's little game working against him.

Deep inside myself, I felt the Bond twist and seethe, and I knew he was aware of me. Gabel despised being disrespected. Here I was, mocking him as no one else dared to. As no one else could.

The only way he could stop me was to behave properly, but he didn't want to behave properly, because then the Bond would win.

"He's almost ready." I told Platinum. "I'm sure he'll be out in good time."

I brushed past her and went down into the kitchen, where the ranked members of the pack had gathered. Flint, present with Beta Hix and a few others, asked me, "Where is Alpha Gabel?"

"Upstairs." I replied.

"He didn't come down with you?" Flint asked.

"No. Gardenia is going on his arm." I had thought they already knew, but I had the immense satisfaction of informing them of the awkward news. "I am going on my own. As the Alpha's Oracle."

Flint frowned, and Beta Hix's cruel face shifted into something I think was disapproval. They shifted, eyes moving. I soaked in the awkwardness and hoped Gabel felt it. It was delightful to see all those strong warriors and ranked wolves exchange nervous looks.

"You should go as the Alpha's Bondmate." Flint finally said in the strained silence.

"Alpha Gabel is the one who decided he would rather take Gardenia." I replied sweetly.

The Alpha's Oracle (SAMPLE, IronMoon #1)Where stories live. Discover now