Chapter 36: Resignation

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It was a chaotic scene at the university as Estefan, the highly revered professor, strode into the Dean's office with a stern look on his face.

The entire faculty was gathered along with the Dean, unsure of why they were called for an emergency meeting.

However, the tension in the air was palpable as they all looked at Estefan, wondering what could have caused such a serious expression on his face.

Without wasting any time, Estefan began his speech, his voice booming across the room. 'I have been a proud member of this university for the past years, but today, I stand in front of you all to say that I can no longer continue working here. I demand to be relieved of my duties immediately and be granted permission to leave this institution.'

The room erupted in surprise, and the Dean, taken aback by the suddenness of Estefan's announcement, tried to calm him down and get him to explain his reasons.

With a sense of determination, Estefan continued, 'I cannot and will not continue to work in an institution where corruption and dishonesty are rampant. Over the years, I have witnessed firsthand how the administration has turned a blind eye to unethical practices, and I can no longer stay silent.'

He went on to reveal instances of fraud and bribery that he had come across during his tenure at the university.

His words were met with stunned silence, and the faculty members looked at each other with shock on their faces.

It was evident that they were hearing about these matters for the first time, and the realization of the corruption within their institution hit them hard.

Estefan's voice grew louder as he spoke, each word laced with passion and disgust. 'I refuse to be a part of an organization where merit and hard work are not valued. I have dedicated my life to teaching and shaping young minds, but I cannot continue to do so in a place where mediocrity is rewarded, and deserving students are denied opportunities. I demand that the university takes immediate action to address these issues and create a fair and transparent system.'

The Dean, now understanding the gravity of the situation, stood up and apologized to Estefan on behalf of the university.

He assured him that immediate measures would be taken to investigate the matters raised and that the guilty parties would be punished accordingly.

However, Estefan remained firm in his decision, stating that he had lost all faith in the institution and could not continue to be a part of it in any capacity.

With a heavy heart, the Dean accepted Estefan's resignation and granted him permission to leave immediately.

As Estefan walked out of the office, the rest of the faculty members followed suit, each lost in their own thoughts about the shocking revelations that had just been made.

The once-respected university was now enveloped in a cloud of doubt and mistrust, and it was clear that things would never be the same again.

Estefan's resignation left a void that would not be easy to fill, but his actions served as a wake-up call for the university to clean up its act and restore its reputation.

As for Estefan, he walked out with his head held high, knowing that he had stood up for what was right, and his principles would not be compromised for the sake of a corrupt institution.

It was a typical evening at the Hawthorne household. Thaddeus and Cielo Hawthorne sat in the living room, sipping their coffee and discussing their day, while waiting for their son Estefan to come home.

Little did they know that this would be one of the most heated and emotional nights of their lives.

As they heard the doorbell ring, they assumed it was the mailman and went on with their conversation.

But to their surprise, it was Estefan who barged into the house, looking disheveled and upset.

'Estefan, what happened? Why do you look so distressed?' Cielo asked, her voice laced with concern.

'I... I resigned from that stupid university, it ain't worth it" Estefan replied, avoiding eye contact with his parents.

Thaddeus and Cielo were taken aback. Estefan had always been passionate about teaching, and they knew how much he loved his job. They exchanged glances, trying to make sense of his sudden decision.

'Why? Did something happen at work?' Thaddeus asked, his voice stern and worried.

Estefan took a deep breath and explained, 'No, it's not about work. I-I've decided to pursue my dream of becoming a musician.'

His parents' expressions shifted from confusion to anger.

'What? Are you out of your mind, Estefan? You sacrificed your teaching career for music?' Thaddeus yelled, his voice echoing in the living room.

Cielo also couldn't contain her disappointment. 'You know how important education is, Estefan. How could you throw it all away for a risky career?'

But before Estefan could explain himself, they kept on nagging and criticizing his decision. He tried to speak, but they didn't let him get a word in.

Frustrated, Estefan finally raised his voice and said, 'Will you two just let me speak? I have a legitimate reason for quitting my job!'

Thaddeus and Cielo fell silent, shocked by their son's outburst. This was not like Estefan at all.

'I-I've been at the hospital all day,' Estefan continued, his voice breaking. 'Elysia has been diagnosed with cancer. She's been fighting it for a while now, and I can't just sit back and watch her struggle alone.'

Thaddeus and Cielo's expressions softened as they heard this. They knew how close Estefan and Elysia were, and they couldn't imagine the pain he must be going through.

'I've been spending all my free time at the hospital, supporting Elysia. I can't focus on my job when she needs me the most,' Estefan added, his voice filled with emotion.

Thaddeus and Cielo's hearts broke as they realized the gravity of the situation. They felt guilty for not understanding Estefan's decision earlier and for not being there for their son in his time of need.

'I-I'm sorry, Estefan. We didn't know,' Cielo said, tears streaming down her face.

'We're sorry for doubting your choice. We just want what's best for you,' Thaddeus added, placing a comforting hand on Estefan's shoulder.

Estefan's eyes welled up with tears, thankful for his parents' understanding. He had been feeling overwhelmed and isolated, but their support meant everything to him.

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