Chapter 18: Fake Love

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It was during this enchanting time that Elysia and Estefan began dating, their love story unfolding like a fairy tale. As the snow fell softly outside, their love grew stronger each passing day. 

Their love had started innocently enough, with Elysia being swept off her feet by Estefan's charming personality and musical talents. 

They would spend days walking in the snow-covered park, holding hands and laughing like carefree children. Elysia was smitten with Estefan, and she believed that he felt the same way. Little did she know that his feelings were far from genuine.

Elysia was a talented violinist, and Estefan was equally gifted in playing the piano. They often spent long hours together in the rehearsal room, creating beautiful music that resonated with their emotions. 

But unknown to Elysia, Estefan was using their time together to improve his own skills and gain recognition from Worlds Symphony, 5 million dollars isn't a joke.

He saw Elysia as a means to an end, and his heart was never truly invested in their relationship.

As the winter days passed, Elysia and Estefan went on romantic dates, exchanged heartfelt gifts, and shared tender moments. But despite all this, Estefan couldn't shake off the guilt he felt for using Elysia's heart for his own gain. He knew that he didn't deserve her love and that she deserved someone who cherished her for who she was, not for what she could offer him.

However, Estefan's selfish desires got the best of him, and he continued to pretend that he reciprocated Elysia's feelings. He didn't want to lose her or the benefits their relationship brought him. But deep down, he knew that he couldn't keep up the charade forever.

One day, as they were rehearsing in the music room with other musicians, Elysia and Estefan started playing a beautiful trio with another male violinist named Jordan. As they played, Estefan couldn't help but notice the chemistry between Elysia and Estefan. Their music flowed effortlessly, and the two seemed to be in sync. He couldn't deny the pang of jealousy he felt, but he brushed it off, Estefan wasn't supposed to like her.

However, as soon as they finished the piece, Jordan turned to Estefan and asked if he would like to join him and Elysia for a cup of coffee. It was the first time Jordan had shown any interest in Estefan, and he couldn't help but feel flattered. As they chatted over hot cups of coffee, Elysia couldn't shake off the feeling that Estefan was distant and uninterested.

The 3 were enjoying a warm cup of coffee and each other's company. As they sat in the cozy café, the conversations flowed along with the steamy coffee.

Elysia was snuggled up close to Estefan, holding onto his arm as if her life depended on it. She was wearing a woolen coat, scarf, and gloves, but it seemed like she couldn't get warm enough. Her cheeks were flushed with the cold, and her eyes were sparkling with excitement.

Estefan, on the other hand, was trying hard to hide his irritation. However, he seemed distant and disinterested in Elysia's clinging.

Meanwhile, Jordan, a tall and charming guy, was trying to flirt with Elysia. He couldn't help but admire her beauty, especially with the flush on her cheeks and the way her hair fell over her shoulders. He leaned in closer to her, trying to catch her attention, but she seemed oblivious to his efforts.

Elysia was too focused on Estefan. She sighed contentedly every time she looked at him, her eyes devouring his every move. She thought he was the perfect guy, and she couldn't believe that he had agreed to go out with her. She had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

As they chatted, Jordan couldn't help but notice Estefan's lack of interest in Elysia. He subtly tried to get her attention, making jokes and complimenting her, but she seemed too blinded by her infatuation with Estefan. Jordan couldn't understand why Elysia was so fixated on him, as he was clearly not interested in her.

Suddenly, Elysia blurted out, 'I love you, Estefan!' Her words caused a moment of awkward silence, and even Estefan was taken aback. He didn't know how to respond and just gave her a forced smile. Jordan rolled his eyes, and his suspicions about Estefan's intentions towards Elysia were confirmed.

Feeling uncomfortable with the awkward situation, Jordan tried to divert their attention. He suggested they play a game of truth or dare to liven up the mood. Elysia, still beaming from declaring her love, agreed enthusiastically, while Estefan reluctantly joined in.

As the game progressed, Elysia's attention was divided between Estefan and Jordan. She found Jordan's attention and charm hard to resist, but her heart still longed for Estefan. Meanwhile, Estefan was becoming increasingly irritated by the flirtatious banter between Elysia and Jordan.

Finally, the game came to an end, and as they were getting ready to leave, Elysia hesitantly asked Estefan if he wanted to hang out again sometime. Estefan, in an obvious attempt to let her down gently, declined, saying he was very busy with work. Elysia's face fell, and Jordan couldn't help but feel a little relieved.

As they stepped out into the cold winter night, Jordan offered Elysia his coat, seeing that she was shivering. She gratefully accepted, and they walked side by side, their arms brushing against each other. Elysia couldn't believe how comfortable she felt with Jordan, and she found herself becoming more interested in him.

On the other hand, Estefan watched them from a distance, feeling somewhat jealous. He realized that he had missed his chance with Elysia and that she had perhaps found someone better. He couldn't help but feel a pang of regret for treating her the way he did.

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