Defence Against The Dark Arts

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I can't count how many days I've put this off, but let's say it's been sitting in my stories for AT LEAST a month.


"Ron!" Mikayla shouted across the Gryffindor table.


"That was my chicken leg!"

"Well, it was just on a plate. Wasn't like it was y—"

"—It was my plate, you dummy!" Mikayla said angrily.

"I've honestly never seen two people love food as much as you two," Hermione cut in.

"Well, I mean, what am I supposed to do? Not eat?" Ron said to her.

"Well, you could tone down on the food a bit," she said, but she trailed off towards the end.

"Ahh," Harry sighed, "My favorite couple! Bickering like always."

Immediately, both Mikayla and Ron stopped fighting over the chicken leg and looked down at their plates.

Hermione sniggered quietly, but she wasn't very good at hiding it.

"Hermy, do you really have to agree with Harry?" Mikayla said quickly as she looked up at her best friend.

"I kind of do!" Hermione said as she started to laugh again.

"I'm leaving," Ron and Mikayla said at the same time.

"No, I'm going!" Ron said quickly, standing up.

"What the hell? I need to go. Now!" Mikayla said, also standing up.

Harry shook his head as both of them glared at each other. Then, with no warning, Mikayla sprinted off from where she was and out of the Great Hall, leaving Ron standing there in shock. After he comprehended what just happened, he also left the Great Hall.

"30 galleons," Harry said quickly.

"What?" Hermione shot at him.

"30 galleons," He repeated.

"For what, Harry?" Hermione groaned.

"That they'll snog by the end of fifth Year," He said as he grinned cheekily.

"You're on," Hermione whispered, and she stuck her hand out, and they shook on it.


"Hermy," Mikayla said in a sing-song voice as she walked down the corridor to her friend.

"Yes?" Hermione said, matching Mikayla's tone.

"Did you get my schedule?" She asked her friend.

"I did! Thought you'd want it," She said happily as she whipped out the paper.

"Thanks, Hermy! You always give me homework; that's why I'm so smart," Mikayla said sarcastically as she put the paper in her bag.

"You? Smart? Never thought I'd hear those two words in the same sentence," Harry said as he and Ron walked up to the two girls.

"Ha ha. Now shut up. We have Defence Against The Dark Arts," She told the three.


"Welcome to your first Defence Against The Dark Arts lesson," He said cheerfully, "I'm Professor Lupin, by the way."

"Today we'll be learning about Boggarts. Can anyone— Ah, Miss..?"

"Potter," Mikayla said softly. "A boggart is a creature that will transform into your greatest fear." She said it softly, not looking into the Professor's eyes.

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