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Thanks to ChatGPT for correcting my dumb spelling errors, lol.


Mikayla stirred from a peaceful slumber, the soft crackling of the common room fire serving as a gentle wake-up call. As her eyes fluttered open, the warm glow of the fire revealed the familiar surroundings of the Gryffindor common room. She shifted slightly, feeling the coziness of the blanket enveloping her.

Her gaze naturally fell upon the source of a rhythmic, quiet snoring nearby. Slouched comfortably in an armchair, Ron Weasley, her fellow Gryffindor and occasional sparring partner in playful banter, slept soundly. The flickering firelight cast a warm ambiance, highlighting the relaxed lines of Ron's face as he breathed evenly.

For a moment, Mikayla simply observed him, a small, affectionate smile playing on her lips. Ron, with his distinctive red hair and the hint of freckles on his cheeks, looked oddly serene in repose. The playfulness that often colored their interactions faded, leaving behind a tranquil scene of a friend finding solace in sleep.

It was a snapshot of Hogwarts life—of shared spaces, of bonds forged amidst magical adventures. The common room, with its familiar furnishings and the comforting presence of her fellow Gryffindors, felt like a haven. Mikayla couldn't help but appreciate the simple beauty of waking up to see a friend, even one as perpetually tousled and cheeky as Ron Weasley.

As she slowly tip-toed up to her dorm where Hermione was awake and moving, she couldn't get the image out of her mind, and it stayed in her mind as she got dressed and followed Hermione out of the dorm.

"Good morning," Mikayla said to a now awake Ron, who was rubbing his eyes and stretching.

"Morning," Ron said groggily to the two girls as they awaited the arrival of Harry so they could go eat breakfast.

When he arrived, they started to walk and talk, arriving in the Great Hall not long after.

The aroma of breakfast wafted through the air as Mikayla, Ron, Harry, and Hermione gathered at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall. The early morning sunlight streamed through the enchanted windows, casting a warm glow on the students immersed in their meal.

Mikayla claimed her usual spot, eyeing the array of dishes on the table. Ron, with a perpetually hearty appetite, loaded his plate with sausages and scrambled eggs. Harry, sitting beside Mikayla, opted for a more balanced assortment of fruits and toast. Hermione, as always, balanced her meal with a selection of nutritious options.

As they dug into their breakfast, the playful banter began. Ron, mid-bite, turned to Mikayla with a cheeky grin. "Watch out, Mikayla, your toast is plotting against you."

Mikayla rolled her eyes, "Just because your breakfast is bigger than my head doesn't mean you need to be paranoid about toast conspiracies, Ron."

Hermione chuckled, "Honestly, you two and your breakfast antics. Can't you ever have a peaceful meal?"

Harry interjected, "Peaceful meals are overrated. I prefer the entertainment of watching these two bicker over food."

The conversation flowed seamlessly, transitioning from breakfast preferences to upcoming classes. However, beneath the light-hearted chatter, a subtle exchange transpired between Hermione and Harry—furtive glances, shared smirks, and an unspoken understanding.

"Mikayla, have you ever tried Gurdyroots in your tea?" Hermione asked, attempting to steer the conversation away from their secret bet.

"Gurdyroots? In tea?" Mikayla raised an eyebrow, exchanging a bemused look with Ron. "I'm not sure that's a combination I'm ready for."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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