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I ran to the door and opened it.

Turns out Alice and Jasper were also here to pick me up. I jumped in Alice's arms. "What are you guys doing here?" I exclaimed.

"Picking you up?" Jasper exasperatedly retorted. "Dude shut up and let me enjoy my moment." I nudged his shoulder.

Charlie was looking at us with amusement and wiped a fake tear from his eye. "The second day and you're already making friends. I'm proud of you kid. Just hope that you don't start with that world domination plan again."

Edward who was standing behind Jasper groaned. "Respectfully speaking sir, you didn't have to remind that to her."

Charlie burst into a fit of laughter. "I really shouldn't have. But at least you guys will be there to handle this menace."

I whined. "Dad, what do you mean by handle?"

Charlie snorted. "Don't try acting smart with me kiddo. Now go you're going to be late for school."

I huffed. "Okay okay. But the world domination plan is still on. Even with school and everything."

Charlie shook his head and looked at me with an exasperated smile. "Sure kid. Anything else you might wanna add to the list?"

"Getting you married to a sexy milf," I mumbled under my breath. Charlie looked at me gobsmacked. While Alice giggled and Edward and Jasper were trying to hide their laughter. I look at him with a smug smile.

"I'm not a dumbass you know? I know what a milf is. And I'll put your ass in jail if you don't stop acting slick with me," Charlie demanded, a blush apparent on his face.

"Oh my god. You're blushing! I'm definitely finding you a hot woman now Dad. See ya!" I yelled and bolted out of the door.

"YOU CHEEKY-" I could hear Charlie exclaim as I ran as fast as I could towards the car.

"LOVE YOU BYE!" I waved at him as Jasper began driving the car. I turned to look at Edward who was sitting next to me.

"Did you see her? Was your vampire going blood? I need blood?"

Edward frowned. "Huh. I didn't seem to have any reaction towards her."

I let out a relieved sigh. "Thank fuck! you're saved from the queen of awkwardness."

"I'm so going to find you a sexy vampire lady or dude when Aro gets here," I added with a smirk.

Edward groaned. "You're so going to embarrass me in front of those bastards."

I winked. "Obviously."

"And don't think I didn't see you making kissy faces to each other. That's gross dude." I shouted, making Alice and Jasper look away from each other.

"By the way (name) I had a vision that you found a mate. He's one sexy guy," Alice said with a giggle.

I had the most weird expression on my face. What the fuck is girly talking about? Mate? And he's sexy? Am I really going to get fucked by a vampire? Will he take me to funky town? I hope he doesn't give off weirdo vibes. Does he have abs? I'd love to lick the s-

"Hold your thoughts right there! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? Stop thinking about fucked up shit," Edward yelled as he shut his ears with his hands.

"Look at what you've done Alice. She's gone mental. Her thoughts will make me puke." He added with a look of disgust.

"Oh, you poor sweet innocent 17-year-old virgin. Girly let me think about how I wanna fuck my man okay? I'll teach you something. Put mental blocks in your mind so you can stop hearing my thoughts." I said with a roll of my eyes.

Edward huffed. He was about to say something but his phone rang. He raised a brow. "Yeah? Okay, we'll be right there." He placed the phone in his jacket and looked at me. "Aro is here. So change of plans. We'll be heading home."

I shrugged. "Hell yeah. Let's do it." Jasper reversed the car with skill and drove us home as fast as he could.

"I wonder what Aro looks like. In my world, he looked like a drowned rat." Edward snorted. "Don't say that in front of him."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever you say, Eddie."

Edward pressurized Jasper to put on some old classical song. "What the fuck are you even listening?"

Edward made a huffy face. "It's Debussy."

I wheezed. "De-Bussy? I'd love to fuck your Debussy."

Edward looked at me confused. "What in the loving fuck do you mean?"

"Bussy means boy pussy bro," I said with a maniacal giggle.

"You're listening to Debussy. The man crowned- wheeze- himself as De Bussy? Is his bussy that elite?" I couldn't breathe. This was so funny. I can't-

Tears were starting to flow down my face because of how ridiculously funny it was.

"Okay, dumbass. Stop. We've arrived at the house," Edward said with a nudge. His nudge threw me towards the door. "Fuck you and your ridiculous strength."

"Jasper babygirl pick me up," I demanded. Jasper shook his head and picked me up bridal style and led me into the house.

As we entered the door, there were a lot of people in the living room. And none of them looked familiar. It was just like the case with the Cullens. Everyone looked unfamiliar but familiar at the same time.

"Why is everyone around me so hot?" I muttered under my breath.

The man wearing a garish red robe snorted. He looked hot. "Thanks for the compliment, sweetheart." When he said sweetheart, I just felt something. I don't what it was but fuck what id do to get this man in my bed and get fucked by him.

"Sweetheart? Girly who are you talking to right now?" I blurted out.

Crap, Shouldn't have said that. I called him girly. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? What if he kills me before I even get a chance to get fucked by him?

He chuckled, halting the train of filthy thoughts running through my head. "Your mate, Darling."

HELLO MY POOKIES! How are you girlies?

I'm going to rate this story mature btw cause I'm going to have some really sexual innuendos and stuff just so you know.

Hope you liked this one. I was a little cracky when I wrote this.

Aro has obviously showed up and Mr. Sexy Mate has also appeared. I love the conversations between Charlie and Y/n.

Haven't decided what the mate will be like or what is he doing with Aro and the gang. He's an oc. He's a sarcastic old shitbag. He's obviously sexy as fuck. A dilf probably.

Always up for suggestions!
Have a great day!

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