Happy New year

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Happy New Year to everybody reading this!! :D

I appreciate u reading my book


"Furina, I only came back from the dead for the moment" Focalors said and stroked the hair of a crying Furina, who clinged on her bawling. On the other side of the tree, Neuvillette and Egeria were having a harsh time with each other.

"Can't believe Focalors died for you." Egeria said in a clod tone.

"At least I'm not a dead Archon."

"At least I tried to defend Khaenri'ah."

They were looking at each other very coldly.

"You blinked." Egeria said.


Egeria looked down to see Sigewinne offering her a present. 

"Here you go Ms...Uhhhh"


"Here Ms.Lune!" She said. Egeria took the small box.

"Thank you dear." Egeria smiled, and Sigewinne ran with 2 other presents  in hand. 

"Merry Christmas Furina! Merry Christmas Lady Focalors!" FUrina wiped her tears and a smile returned to her face.

"*enter a very Furina laugh* Thank you Sigewinne!"

"Thanks young lady." Focalors said.

She ran into the kitchen.

"Here you go Ms.Navia!" She said.

Navia wiped her forehead and cleaned her hands before taking the box. She smiled warmly "Thank you!"

Sigewinne went up to Clorinde who was boiling some tea for Wriothesley. She gave her two gift boxes; One for Clorinde and one for Wrio. 

"Oh, thank you.."

And so, Sigewinne finished going through every nation, giving everyone their Christmas gifts. 



"Can I open it?" Egeria said.

"I want to open mine too!" Said Nahida.

"And me!" Said Venti. Zhongli sighed.

"Always like a child, Barbatos."

"You're as stern as ever." Chuckled Makoto. Ei also smiled at the sight of them getting well. 

"I agree." Mavuika said.

"Though it's a shame Xbalanque and both the Tsaritsas couldn't come." Ei said.

A loud knock was heard on the door. Sigewinne rushed to open it. The blazing fire ended as the Tsaritsa came in.

"Hello everyone. The original couldn't come to the meeting, unfortunately."

Then she proceeded to sit next to Mavuika.

"Turn on the fire. I'm cold." She said ironically. Mavuika quickly blazed it using her fingers to spark it. They soon turned into leaping flames.

"So can we open our gifts?" Egeria said. Sigewinne nodded.

Egeria, Focalors, The Tsaritsa, Ei and Makoto all traced the box to find the opening. Then they gently untied the ribbons. Nahida and Zhongli twisted the ribbons ontil they broke and opened the box. Meanwhile Benti and Mavuika just ripped the packaging.

"Oh, this is a book! A very thick one!" Nahida said.

"Omg! Fontanian wine!!" Venti echoed.

"A box of desserts from Fontaine. I am very delighted." Ei said. Makoto also got the same gift.

"Ah, a bouquet of underwater flowers." Zhongli softened.

"Oh! A camera. With a packet of films." Mavuika said.

"A set of makeup. Thank you, young lady." The Tsaritsa's voice was somewhat warm.

"Hm. A little mirror and a combrush. Thank you." Egeria smiled.

"A bundle of Fontanian specialties." Focalors looked at Sigewinne. She rushed to Get the camera. 




"Okay everyone, are you all warm?"

They were all gathered on a hill. They were wearing gloves, thick jackets, scarfs and earmuffs. The Archons nodded.

"Okay, Venti move closer to The Tsaritsa. Ei hug Makoto. Focalors grab Egeria's arm. Furina smile wholeheartedly. Are you ready?"

They all started to count.






Idk its summer/fall and writing abt the new year.

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