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Jimbei carried Nami on his back as the trio ran through any guard-free hallways available, which led them to one with many, many mirrors.

Eira slowed as she saw another member of the Straw Hats in a mirror staring back at her as if they were her own reflection.

Her laugh stopped Jimbei and Nami in their tracks as they turned in confusion. She met their eyes and gestured to what had caught her attention, "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest one of all?"

On cue, the doctor of the Straw Hat Pirates popped out of the mirror with a person tied to his back.

"Chopper!" Nami cried in relief.

"Nami! Jimbe!" The reindeer spared Eira a glance before instructing them to follow him into the mirror.

When Eira didn't make a move to follow, Nami looked at her in confusion. "Aren't you coming with us?"

"As curious as I am about this whole mirror thing, seems like your friends have found you all a safe place to lay low for the time being." She said kindly. "I'll go help Luffy find Sanji."

"Wait! Just come in with us for now, there's something you should know about the wedding. Sanji's in danger."

Eira didn't need to be told twice and stepped through the mirror. She was introduced to Chopper and the two Minks, Pedro and Carrot, who had joined the present Straw Hats on this quest. With her kind aura plus Nami explaining how she helped save them and who she was to Sanji and Luffy, the three warmed up to Eira quickly.

"This is actually really cool." She said looking around at the Mirro-world in awe before focusing on the navigator. "Nami, what's going to happen at the wedding?"

"We've been tricked." The girl sighs. "We met Pudding on Cacao Island where she said she'd help us get Sanji back. She seemed so nice and innocent, even saving Luffy and Chopper when they broke the law by eating one of the buildings. But it was all an act! Pudding visited Luffy and I before you freed us. She told us she fooled Sanji into proposing and that at the wedding, he's going to die. She's going to shoot him. That's why Luffy was ready to rip off his hands to get free."

Eira was quiet, but the group could see an almost murderous glint in her eye as the temperature dropped.

"We need to find the rest of your crew." Her steely voice commanded.

"We can ask the mirrors." Carrot chimed in. "I'll show them the picture I drew and ask if they've seen Brook, Sanji, or Luffy."

They found Brook cuddled in the arms of a sleeping Big Mom, like a child with their favorite stuffed animal. Eira would have laughed at the sight if it were any other situation. Instead, the group sweat-dropped when they realized their friend was also asleep.

All of a sudden, Big Mom's palm slaps the ground in an attempt to kill a fly that has been buzzing around. The noise woke up the Yonko's animated companions, leading them to also attack the fly that was still very much alive. Though it wasn't after the display of power, leaving a few individuals frozen in terror.

"If we can create a replica of Brook, we can replace him and be on our way." The Germa Commander thought out loud.

Jimbei and Pedro nodded, moving to pull together an impressive dummy out of materials they had.

Before Eira could offer, Chopper had the dummy on his back and stepped through the mirror to approach the bed. Unfortunately the urge to sneeze came, and though he fought it off at first, he accidentally let it go. The reindeer dove back through the mirror to safety as Big Mom's palm came crashing down on the spot he had just been.

"I can-"

Carrot decided to give it a try and impressively leaped from the mirror onto the bed, only to jump down to avoid disturbing the Yonko's sleep bubble. Her attempt failed when she kicked a small pebble of rubble that ricocheted loudly against some bigger pieces causing Zeus, the cloud, to attack.

Pedro's attempt put them in a better spot as Brook's sleeping form fell from Big Mom's grasp.

Nami was preparing to take a turn, when Eira slid the skeleton replica out of her hands. "Allow me."

Jaws dropped as the white-haired girl seemed to disappear and reappear in a blink of an eye with their crew mate in her arms.

"I would've done that from the get go but you all seemed really determined."

Brook decided to wake up at that moment and take in his surroundings. Realizing he was with friendly faces, he turned to the female holding him, "Thank you very much. Can I please see your pant-"

"Don't ask her that!" Nami stepped in to throw a strong punch at his head, sending him to the floor.

"I'm glad you're alive. We knew it would be almost impossible to get a copy of the Road Ponegliff. But I wanted to go for it and put you-gara's life in danger. I'm sorry!" Pedro apologized.

The musician waved him off, "You said we had a chance in a million since it was just us two but if we were to come back some other time there would be an all-out war. That's why we had to try even with the odds against us!" He opened his skull and pulled out folded pieces of paper. "Here's the copy."

His friends were in shock at his nonchalant behavior toward accomplishing such a task. Eira just slow clapped with a big smile on her face, clearly impressed.

"We accomplished one of our goals! Now we just have to take back Sanji." Chopper's cute voice exclaimed.

Carrot held her drawing up again and asked the mirrors if they'd seen the last two missing members. To their surprise, they all said neither male were in the castle, though they did pass through a short time ago.

"I think I know where he is." Questioning noises escaped Chopper and Brook at Nami's words. "It's outside so there's no mirror. This morning, Luffy and Sanji fought there. Well, more like Sanji attacked and Luffy refused to hit back."

Eira facepalmed. "That idiot. Considering he was with his family, he had to get you both to leave for your own safety. Probably said something cruel too, thinking that would help. His actions are going to weigh on him, might keep him from escaping with you all."

"If I may," Jimbei started. "If you want to take him back we'll need to hurry. I was waiting to bring this up when we had everyone back together, but there's another plot in the works. The wedding tomorrow will not be a peaceful one."

"If anything happens to Sanji, those pirates are going to wish they had kept the peace."

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