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The duo followed the voice as it continued to call Luffy's name. They eventually found a piece of glass on the ground as the source, a remnant of the mirror that had broken earlier that day.

"Why is his voice coming from a mirror?" Sanji asked.

Luffy crouched down to pick up the shard. "Long story but looks like they've gathered in the mirror dimension."

"A mirror dimension? Chopper and the others?" Confusion laced the blonde's response.

"Luffy! Is Sanji-kun there too?" Nami cuts in.

"Yeah, he's here!"

Everyone in the Mirro-world sighed in relief, glad their friend was ok. Sanji was surprised before feeling his own relief that there wasn't any apparent resentment.

"How are you guys?" Luffy asked.

"We saved everyone from inside the mirror, Luffy!" Carrot stated proudly.

"Brook even got a copy of the Ponegliff!" Chopper exclaimed.

"Really?! I'm impressed with you guys!" The captain cheered causing them all to blush.

But Pedro cut in, ensuring the train didn't derail too far off track. "Luffy, did you guys come to an agreement?"

A pregnant pause enveloped them as the crew held their breaths for their captain's response.

"Sanji's not coming back yet. Listen, we're gonna crash Big Mom's tea party and the wedding to save Sanji's family! Then, he'll come back with us!"

"Luffy, she's a Yonko! I don't want to risk everyone's safety over a personal matter!" Sanji said in a panic.

Those in the mirror dimension froze before exploding in cheers, startling the two males.

"So if we pull this off, Sanji-kun will come back with us?" Nami's excited voice asked over the cheering.

But Luffy didn't get a chance to answer as Chopper and Carrot started bawling. They revealed their knowledge of the captain and cook's fight that morning.

"Idiot." A cold voice called. Eira came into the duo's view as Chopper handed her the shard, a blank look on her face.

"Eira?" They questioned, both glad she had stuck with the others but slightly worried at her tone of voice.

"You're an idiot, Sanji." She lightly scolded. "I can't believe the best plan you could come up with to try to deter your friends was to fight them. And, on top of that, you want to risk your life to save your family despite everything...

But that's who you are, and I'm glad your heart is still kind."

"Eira, we need to save you too! They're targeting all of us. Reiju's already been hurt, but tomorrow you're all going to die."

A soft smile made its way onto her face. "I had a feeling there was more to the alliance than we thought. Don't worry about me, I just want you all to get out of here safely, so I'll gladly offer my help. Jimbei?"

"Alright." The Fish-Man's gravely voice spoke. "We know what to do. Crashing the tea party and wedding means we'll unleash the Yonko's wrath. Luffy, you know Capone 'Gang' Bege, right?"

"Yeah, he's the one who took Sanji away."

"He earned Big Mom's trust and was granted full authority over security. Bege is planning to kill Big Mom, according to Pekoms. The Sun Pirates and I saved him when Bege tried to silence him after he refused to join them. Bege's crew is fully prepared whereas we have no plan. I suggest we ally with him."

"You're right." The captain agreed.

"I've already made arrangements to meet. If something feels off, though, you can say no. Bege's base is in the northwest part of the island. We'll meet you there!"

"Got it!"

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