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"It's fucking useless!" I shouted.

"It's not useless, Liv. Just take it." Cherry gave me the pregnancy test. "No, i'm not taking it. All i'm gonna see is the big bold negative." I handed it back, getting into my bed.

"Come on, didn't you just have another round of IVF?" She asks, getting in next to me.

"It's been almost three years, and I can't even produce a child for him. I feel like it's time to stop trying, and just accept it." I frowned.

"If I slapped you right now, in this moment. Would anyone blame me?"

I sat up, looking at her.

"Liv! You could be pregnant right now, and you haven't even gone and peed on the damn stick! You haven't had your period this month, you're always sad, then mad, then horny. So what if you've had a couple negatives, keep trying if it's what you want!" She encourages me.

"I've already lost two babies, I can't deal with losing another. I just want it to be over, I see all these women, getting knocked up on accident, when they weren't even trying, and it creeps up on you, sometimes it's just seeing a pregnant mom, at the grocery store. Why can't I do that, why can she have kids and I can't, who decided that. People get pregnant on the first date, and I've been trying to make it happen for us, for three fucking years." I dug my head into my knees. It all just felt like a joke by now.

"Baby, I know you're struggling. Okay, I know that. But don't give up, you've got this okay?" Cherry rests her forehead against mine, giving me a hug. "Take the test." She whispers.

"And then I have to tell him it's negative again and just disappoint him, all over again." I cried against her shoulder, it sucked.

All of this really fucking sucked.

"I'm not going to say it again, take the test." She closes out our hug, taking it out of her pocket.

Hesitantly, I took it out of her hands. "I'm gonna call Tom, after just incase." I stated, going into the restroom. "I'm right here if you need anything." Cherry sat outside the door.

"Wait Liv?" I heard her voice.

I started to take it out of the wrapping. "Yeah?" I wiped away a couple tears, resting my palms against the end of the bathroom sink.

"Don't call Tom, wait till he gets home. If it's bad news, you're gonna need him. But if it's good, you're going to need him even more."

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