Honey, what'd you take, what'd you take!?

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TW: 0v3rd0se, s3lf harm, su1c1d3

Luz's tamagotchi lights up with a text from her girlfriend, Amity. She runs over quickly to read it. "🥀🐛3️⃣🅰️🪱3️⃣  🌙🌑🦟3️⃣  🌑🔽3️⃣📈 (please come over)." Luz's face quickly falls, and a sense of dread overwhelms her. "⚫️🦟🗂,  📈🍵 🌑⚡️❓️(omw, r u ok?)" She doesn't get an answer back.
Luz is practically sprinting by the time she gets to the Blight Manor, banging on the doors. Emira answers, looking quite confused. "Hey-" Luz pushed right past Emira and screams sorry when she's about halfway up the steps. She takes a deep breath and opens the door to Amity's room.
When she opens the door, there's her purple haired girlfriend, sitting on the floor beside her bed. She has a half empty bottle of pills in hand, with a few pills spilled on the floor. Her eyes are tired and
her pupils dilated. She looks so... weak... and tired... unlike Luz has ever seen before from Amity. Luz all of a sudden gets dizzy. Nausea overwhelms her as she feels the sudden urge to puke. She stumbles and holds herself up with the doorframe for a moment. No matter how sick she feels, Luz fights through and runs over to Amity. She takes the pills from Amitys hand, tears filling her eyes. She sets it away from them and takes Amity in her arms. "W-what did you do!?" She looks at her trembling girlfriend with horror and pain.
Amity's eyes fill with tears that soon spill. "I-Im s-s-sorry... I didn't I-" Amitys stumbles on her words, barely even able to form them. The roaring pain in her head gets worse and worse every second.
"I-it's okay, it's okay, you're going to be okay. A-amity, what did you take? J-just tell me... this bottle doesn't have a label..." Luz tries to remain calm and take deep breaths, but seeing her girlfriend, the love of her life, overdosed on the floor is not exactly helping in this scenario. She checks Amitys heart rate. It's racing. Her breathing gets more shallow every minute. That only causes Luz to panic more as she flips out her phone and dials 9-1-1 quicker than she ever has.
"A-Adderall... Prozac..." Amity says in the weakest, quietest voice. She's barely aware, thought she could feel the tears running down her cheeks, and her body shaking. She could feel the pulsating pain in her head and the tightness in her chest. She felt as though 10 tons of weight was pushed on her. Only one thing ran across her mind, her sudden want to live.
Amity telling Luz what she took also was not helping the absolute panic and insanity going through her mind. She could feel the mucus and whatever she ate for lunch that day coming up her esophagus until- "911, what's your emergency?" Everything went back down.
"P-please help, i-its my girlfriend... she took a bunch of pills... I think half the bottle." Luz's voice is desperate as she begs the dispatcher.
"Okay, and where are you located?"
"417 forearm forest, The Blight Manor. Please come quickly..." Tears stream down Luz's face like Niagara falls. She doesn't know what to do, so she just holds her girlfriend, telling her it's going to be okay.
"We're sending an ambulance to your location, ma'am." A wave of relief washes over Luz, though it's short lived. Her stomach squirms looking back at Amitys face and instead a wave of nausea hits her again. She covers her mouth, but only ends up panicking more. She begins to hyperventilate.

Amity had wanted to die. She wanted it to all be over. Luz would be happier without her burden, Willow would be better off not reliving her trauma whenever she sees Amity, and Gus... she didn't even know if he'd care. Now she had tried to leave this world, but she got caught again. Memories flood back to her. It was pouring boiling rain, Amity was eight years old. She had her rain jacket on and ran to the nearest road. She layed down on it. On the wet, burning pavement.  Praying to the titan that something would run along and kill her, or the boiling rain would leave her with 3rd degree burns. None of that happened. Instead, Edric found her and brought her home safely. She had struggled her entire life and when Luz came she thought maybe, just maybe, she was getting better. She was wrong. Though right now, she seemed to want the opposite than she did before. She wanted to grow up with Luz. She wanted to rekindle her friendship with Willow. She wanted to talk to Gus about weird human artifacts. She wanted to live.

Luz watched as her girlfriends eyes fluttered, threatening to close. "P-please Amity, don't fall asleep. Stay with me here. I-I don't know what I would do without you..." Luz begs and pleads with Amity, trying to wake her up. Her breathing gets heavier and heavier as she shakes Amity desperately.
Amity hates seeing her girlfriend cry, so she tries. She tries and tries and tries to force her eyes open for as long as she possibly can. Luz holds Amity tighter as she starts to hear sirens outside. "Hang on, just a little longer." That's when she can't anymore. Her mind screams at her but her body takes over. Amity falls asleep.

I wrote this instead of sleeping.

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