Chapter 8 - A Night with Luke

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I can't even right now! It seems like friday came so fast! Right now I am trying to find the perfect outfit for our date and the struggle is totally real!

I've just been searching through my closet the last 40 minutes and I'm stuck between two outfits. I finally chose a "You complete MEss" shirt and black skinny jeans. I just leave my hair in its natural look. I put on some light makeup and called it good.

I looked at my phone and saw it was 5:50 and he was coming at 6:00. I start searching for some shoes to wear and finally decide on some classic black converse. All of a sudden I hear the doorbell ring. I hear the door open and Ashton and Luke talking about something. After grabbing my phone I go down stairs and head to the door. Ashton looks of at me and his eyes widen and tries to hold back a smile.

"Well this is awkward." He says. I am really confused. Ashton moves out of the way of the door and I finally get to take a look at Luke. Well Ashton was right.

"Woah bro nice shirt." I said. Luke was wearing basically the same exact outfit as me and I was kind of shocked.

"Thanks, you to." He said laughing awkwardly. As Ashton exited the room. "Well we best be going." Luke said stepping out of the way to let me walk through the doorway to his car, which I was guessing was his moms, and I got in.

At this moment something cliche would happen. For example I would say Luke where are you taking me and he would say oh that is a surprise and then there would be the moment when I say oh I hate surprises which would honestly he a lie because I love surprises. The joy of knowing that something special has been planned for you and yeah I don't know I just like the feeling of knowing that there is a surprise waiting for you excites me.

A song comes on the radio that I know and I am tempted to sing along but no. I don't. Because that would be very awkward. Finally we end up in the parking lot of a roller skating place. I've only ever been roller skating a couple times, but I'd say I'm a master.

We walk up to the door and Luke holds the door open for me. We get to the front desk thing and we get our skates. Me and Luke both get rollerblades. We sit down get our rollerblades on and attempt to walk out into the skating area. I start out by holding onto the edge for the first lap to try to get used to the rollerblades, on the other hand, Luke is skating beside me because he is "too cool for that".

Basically ten seconds after we are skating, he falls right on his bottom and I can't help but laugh.

"Hey," Luke says, "at least I'm being spontaneous and not holding on to the wall like somebody." As Luke tries to get up he epically fails because his skates roll out beneath him, and he falling on his bottom again.

"Oh my gosh! You are really bad!" I say trying to control my laughter which fails epically, like Luke I might add.

"Can you like please help me." He asks holding his hand out to me.

"I'll try." I say taking his hand and trying to pull him up.

Luke eventually gets up and we start skating again. The second lap around I let go of the edge. Luke had fallen a total of 5 times during the first lap. As we're skating, I don't know what happened but I am suddenly falling. Luke reaches his hand out just in time to stop me from collapsing on the floor. I straighten myself out and try skating again. Next thing I know Luke grabs my hand.

"Sorry," he starts, "I started to fall and I thought this would help us steady ourselves better." He said looking at the ground.

"Sounds good to me as long as I don't fall." I say skating forward again. We skate for a little more before we start to get hungry and decide we should go eat. We walk out of the skating area, take off our skates, and head out the door. We walk to Luke's car and get in.

"Where shall we go to eat my dear." I raise my eyebrow at him. "Sorry that was weird." He apologizes, shaking his head in disappointment.

"What about that one little cafe thing we passed on the way here?" I ask. Luke just pulls out of the parking space, so I took that as a yes. As we drive he tries to strike up a conversation.

"So where did you get your shirt?" He asks. I look down at my shirt trying to remember what one I'm wearing.

"I don't know." I say shrugging. "Where did you get yours?"

"I think it might be my brother's to be honest." He said giving me a smile.

"You didn't tell me you had a brother." I said looking at him.

"I have two older ones actually, Ben and Jack. They aren't around much because they are at college although they should be coming home for winter break soon."

"That's cool." I said not knowing how to answer. We pull up into the diner and found a booth in the back to sit. The waitress, who looked about 17 but her face was caked with makeup so she was probably way younger. She has gum in her mouth and was chewing very loud I might add.

"Hi I'm Tiffany, what would you like to eat?" She asked to Luke basically pretending I'm not even there. Luke really didn't seem to notice. Luke ordered a dr. Pepper, a cheeseburger, and fries. Tiffany wrote his order down and started to walk away when Luke stopped her.

"Wait," he said turning around to face her, "Bella still needs to order." He gestures to me and Tiffany's smile fades.

"Whatever." She said. She took out her notepad and pen ready to write down my order.

"I'll have chicken tenders, fries, and a Mountain Dew to drink." I say smiling trying to kill her with kindness. She just rolled her eyes and walked away.

"Well that was," he started trying to looks for the right word.

"Different." I say finishing his sentence.

"Yeah, well you learned about my siblings what about yours?" He asks.

"I have two older brothers, Will and Ethan, and, like yours, my brothers are in college. I was really close with Ethan because I was a loser and had barely any friends when I was little." Then our food came as we ate Luke was still asking me questions.

"So why did you and your dad move in with Ashton and his family?" This question made me freeze. "Wait I'm sorry you don't have to answer that." He said when he saw me freeze."

"No it's ok I just haven't really talked about before. Well one day I came home, after seeing you guys in the park, my parents were yelling at each other. I went downstairs to see what they were yelling about. My mom was crying but they stopped yelling when they saw me." I say, "I asked what was going on and my mom said my dad was cheating on her. Then they told me to go pack my stuff because they thought I should have a family, Ashton's family." I say eating my food. After I'm done chewing I say start talking again. "You know I should hate them, but i don't. I think that Ann is nicer then my mom, to be honest. My parents were never home that's why they wanted me to get a dog, Molly. I'm really sorry about taking her by the way."

"Hey there's no reason to be. She ran away and they put her in the pound." He said. "Actually I should be thanking you for finding her I mean, for all I know she could be still lost." I just smile and continue to eat. When we are done eating Luke pays and we go out to his car. He takes me home and walks me up to the front door.

"Thanks for taking me out." I say turning to face him.

"Thanks for coming out with me." He says pulling me in for a hug. A couple seconds later he lets go and I turn around to open the door and Luke walks back to his car.

"Wait Luke." He turns to look at me and I signal him to wait for a second. I run inside and go to my room. I find Molly, put her in the leash and take her out to Luke. She immediately gets really excited and practically drags me to Luke. Luke looks at me confused. I hand him the leash.

"She's your dog." He replies with a thanks and puts her in his car. I go in the living room and see Ashton sitting on the couch watching tv. I sit next to him.

"How was your date?" He asks not turning his head away from the TV.

"Good." I say.

"Just good?" He asks.

"Sure." I reply.

Sorry I haven't updated in ages. I wrote this chapter and it got deleted and yeah there you go.

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