Chapter 6

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I walked into school with Damian, arguing about how to use a knife best. There probably wasn't one right anwser but it was intresting hearing each others points. As we entered the school we both walked off to different points.

I walked into my first class (Social Studies) and Peter was there, I'm pretty sure we have three class together (the other ones being PE and science) and that's it. "Peter?" I said as I walked up, it was a question, 'can I sit here?'.
"Tim!" he sounded relieved and moved over to give me space on the bench they used instead of desks. "I'm sorry, I was mean, I'm just..."
"Not used to it." I finished for him "I get it." I said, the social studies teacher gave us a glare and a 'shh'
"The lesson hasn't even started yet!" Peter whisper-yelled indignantly, I chuckled.


The next lesson happened to be PE, I could practically feel the waves of dread rolling off of Peter.
"You okay?" I asked
"Yeah fine," he quickly straightened up, he looked fine enough I would almost beleive him but straigtening up made the hoodie cling to his figure and reveal just how skinny he was, it made me want to adopt him or bring him to Bruce so- oh gosh if the others could hear my thoughts I would never be forgiven. He must have seen the look on my face "Really, I just... forgot to eat breakfast," I was smart enough to put two and two together. I spared hhim a glance
"I could-" I started
"Tim. I should save excuses for when I really need them, I'll be fine after morning tea." Peter said.

I was worried but he really did seem fine, he was clearly tired because of PE but pushed through it like someone used to dealing with worse- and trust me, I know about that. Then once we got to the cafeteria he piled his plate up, like everyother time I saw him hide the bread rolls in his hoodie and like every other time I ignored it.

I was suprised at how fast he seemed to be fine after eating but it was a good thing I supposed. I thought Peter must be so full after that meal but he was eyeing the line like he could go for seconds, how does his stomach work?

Not like it matters. I didn't see him for the rest of the day and last period I snuck out early. I changed to my Red Robin costume in the bathroom and waiting on the roof for Peter to walk out, my turn to try and follow him.


I dug through the lost property and pulled out some clothes, turned out this place used to have a uniform. This is what I got:

Socks that looked okay for skiing
Shoes that only had a few holes in them but complete soles at least (finally! I can wear the socks now)
Some shorts incase this place ever got hot
Some red track pants that smelt of the tropical juice they give out at partys
A T-shirt with loads of stains that looked as if someone tried to wash them out, it was clean enough
And a woollen jumper which looked hand made but there was so much dust on it I didn't fell bad about taking it (it smelt like old librarys which is an improvment over blood, juice, grime or acohol)


I was just beginning to duck into an alley way when I froze. I crouched down and looked around, I was being watched.

I moved to the side quicker than a human could as a guy jumped me, I couldn't deal with any more inguries I might get or have his metal pole re-ingure the ones that just healed. I dodged each on of his blows with my hands in my pockets and kept walking to base, if he followed me there I'd just keep walking and honestly it was harder making sure I didn't look too good at dodging than it was the actual dodging.
"How do you keep dodging you little f-" I tuned him out and really considered punching him through one of the buildings, or into one of its walls at least, but alas I didn't.

Soon we were walking through a narrow area, I couldn't dodge so I caught the pole and glared at him behind me "Got you now yo-" I crushed the pole in my hands, it was harder than it would be usually but didn't take that much effort.
"Run." I hissed, the guy looked at me in horror. He dropped the pole and scrambled away as fast as he could, tripping and screaming. I lowered the pole slowly then dropped it to the ground.

I walked back to base.

🦇 Batfam chat!
TIM   Guys I tried following Peter, I think Jason was right
JASON I was obviously
TIM Well someone tried to attack Peter and he dodged the guy for at least ten minutes, he didn't get hit once
DICK He definitely didn't grow up on the good side of the neighbourhood
DAMIAN He did have good reflexes.
DICK   Could you follow him back to his housse
TIM   He lost me
BARBRA   No one under Tony Stark I'm afraid
TIM   Seriously? A code name for that too.
DICK   He's definiately from the streets then. If you were a bad guy by now we would have someone Peter cared about if he hadn't used a code name.
TIM   But I'm not a bad guy!
DAMIAN   We know that, Peter doesn't.
JASON See if you can find him again Tim
TIM I already did, he wasn't out there


I was thankful for my powers, I could withstand the cold up here. I had checked the other rooms in the house but they were all rotting or infected or caved in to the point you couldn't live there. I suppose the rodents liked keeping warm as much as I did.

Whatever, I sat under the water-tank and drifted off.

Good night Aunt May.

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