Happy New Years 🥂

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"HAPPY NEW YEARS!" Hongjoong yelled. Seongwha winced and covered his ears. "Aish, Joong! It's still 20 minutes until midnight!"

Hongjoong simply rolled his eyes and took another sip from his champagne.

It was New Years Eve in Ateez's dorm. All the members were gathered in the living room, watching the countdown on tv. Wooyoung stood in the corner, watching all the members. Yeosang was helping himself to the bucket of chicken whilst Jongho laughed at him. Hongjoong and Seongwha were bickering like a married couple - when they were only engaged. And Mingi and Yunho were all over each other on the couch. "Get a room you two." Wooyoung scowled at the two lovebirds. Yunho grinned smugly at Woo and went back to kissing Mingi - who flipped Wooyoung off.

"Hey hey hey. PG guys." A voice said. Wooyoung's heart skipped a beat as San walked in, pulling Yunho off Mingi. No matter what San did, Wooyoung could never take his eyes off of him. As Mingi and Yunho grumbled and grudgingly got off each other, San looked up and smiled at Wooyoung. Wooyoung smiled back shyly. He didn't know why he was shy - after all, San had seen him in every situation and was his other half, made clear by their matching tattoos. Friendship tattoos. But that was what Wooyoung hated. Friendship tattoos. Only friends. Nothing more.

"Hey, you alright Woo?" San asked and Wooyoung jumped. San had suddenly appeared next to him and he nearly choked on his drink. "Y-yeah. I'm good. Just...um, tired." Wooyoung said quickly, tripping over his words as he searched for an excuse. San was not convinced but decided not to press any further. It was Near Years after all and that was no time for upset.

"5 minutes y'all!" Yeosang called out. He smirked over at Jongho and Wooyoung sighed. Hongjoong and Seongwha and Mingi and Yunho were all going to kiss - that was obvious and Wooyoung had prepared himself for that. But then Yeosang and Jongho had gotten together two days ago. Now it'd only be Wooyoung and San without a New Year's kiss. Awkward wasn't enough to describe how Wooyoung was feeling.

He was snapped out his downwards daze by Yeosang elbowing him in the ribs. "Woo, make your move. It's New Years - it's the perfect excuse to kiss San!"
Wooyoung gritted his teeth. Yeosang was the only one who knew about his feelings towards San and had been trying to convince Wooyoung to make a move for weeks now. But Wooyoung never did. He wouldn't dare risk his and San's friendship just for his stupid, hopeless feelings. If he must, he'd much rather struggle in silence but have San as his best friend - than get his feelings out and ruin the relationship.

"Umm, Yeosang," San butted in, "Can, can I borrow Wooyoung for a sec?"

"Sure San. I gotta find Jongho anyway. Have fun you two..." Yeosang hurried away.

"Uh Woo. Can I talk to you? Not here."

Wooyoung frowned. "But we'll miss the celebration, no?"

San shook his head. "I've got it on in my room. I really need to talk to you. Please?" San looked at him with those beautiful eyes that Wooyoung could never say no to.

"Ok. Fine." Wooyoung reluctantly followed San to the older male's room. It was just his luck - at least back in the living room he could hide from San amidst the snogging couples. But to be alone in Sam's room? Seems that 2024 wasn't gonna be his year. The two males entered San's room and San shut the door behind him before turning to Wooyoung. The clock on the tv was counting down.


"Wooyoung..." San whispered.


Wooyoung gulped as San stepped closer to him.




San said nothing. He simply stared at Wooyoung.



Finally, San moved. He wrapped his hand around Wooyoung's waist - eliciting a gasp from the younger.



"S-Sannie? What are you doing?" Wooyoung stuttered.


"Happy New Years Wooyoungie..." San murmured.



San kissed him.

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