I'm good at ALL positions (Seongwha x Hongjoong special)

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*Seongwha's pov*

"Seongwha how the hell are you still a virgin?"

I averted my gaze from the rest of the members'. I knew that playing a drunk truth or dare game at midnight was a bad idea. And I also now knew that staying sober was an even worse idea.

"Yeah so what. Waiting for the right person." I rubbed my neck awkwardly.

Mingi scoffed. "That's bullshit dude. It's the excuse everyone uses."

I winced at his harsh words. Mingi could have a sharp tongue when he was drunk and I always had to remind myself to not take what he says to heart. But it could still sting.

"Shut it Mingi" Hongjoong snapped. He seemed to be the only person - along with Seongwha - that was still perfect sober. "Leave him he. This game is getting way too personal. Let's just call it a night guys. We've got Inkiagyo at 10 tomorrow and we need to get at least some rest ok?"

The rest of the members groaned in annoyance. "But-" Yunho tried to protest but with one glare from Hongjoong, he settled down and trudged off to his room, the other members following his lead. San and Wooyoung both went into San's room (I could easily guess what was about to happen in there) and as myselff was heading to my room, Hongjoong stepped in front of him - blocking his way. "Hwa. Can I borrow you for a sec please."

"Ummm. Sure Joong." I followed him into his room and sat waiting on his bed. Had I done something wrong? I was fairly certain that I'd done all the work I'd needed to do this week. "Don't look so scared Hwa." Hongjoong laughed, the sound instantly relaxing me. I breathed out and looked up at him. "I need to ask you something Hwa." Hongjoong continued. "S-sure."

"Are you really a virgin?"

I froze. Out of everything he could ask, why did he need to ask that? I inwardly sighed. "Yeah. But please. Don't tease me about it. I'm way too tired for that Joong." He looked at me with shock painted on his face, "Tease you? Why on earth would I tease you about that?"

"Because some people do." I mumbled. "Trust me, Mingi's reaction wasn't nearly as bad as I've had before."

"I'm sorry Hwa. That's not something people should ever tease anyone about. I know how it feels..."

I snapped my head up in surprise and stared at him. "Y-you're a virgin too?"

Hongjoong coughed nervously and ran a hand awkwardly through his hair. "N-no. Senior year. Really regret it. I wish I'd waited for the right person." At that, he looked at me and I gulped nervously. "You're right to have not done it until you feel ready. It's really important to do it. If I could go back and do it all again...well, I wouldn't." Here he laughed sheepishly and an awkward silence filled the room.

I gave a half laugh to try and break the silence. It didn't work. Well not that well at least. Me and Hongjoong continued to just stare at each other for what felt like hours. I couldn't help but stare at his lips. They were so pretty and they looked so soft. I knew he always had his lip balm with him and would apply it in such a seductive way that I felt like there was a magnet between my eyes and his lips.

"Seongwha?" Hongjoong asked, snapping me out of my dazed memories. "You ok?"

"Y-yeah" I stuttered. "I think I'll go back to my room. I'm not good at these conversations. I don't even really know how it...like works or happens." I went bright red as I admitted that. I stood up and began to walk to the door. "Seongwha." Hongjoong said, freezing me in my tracks. He stood up and took my hand, turning me to face him. "Do, do you want me to teach you?" He said that so fast I hardly caught a word. But I caught enough.

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