Crystal Skull

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Being a king is hard.

Being a good king is even harder.

Richard knew this well as the sole ruler of the European Kingdom, in the age when American had been discovered.

It has been 25 years since Richard had ascended the throne.

His subjects are content with his rule, his country is in peace, and the people are wealthy.

But there is something wrong with the king life now...

Richard only child, his daughter Julianna, is ill.

She's only 18 year old as the girl hhas got an illness, an illness that nobody could cure.

Princess Julianna is drying and she is his only child, heir to the throne.

Every doctor out there had tried to cure her, the king tried almost everything...


King Richard have been informed about a miraculous artifact, unearthed in the continent of American.

It is an human skull, made of crystal.

It has amazes the scholars, amazes them because of it's method.

Because no method is known to crave up such an excellent shape of a skull out of crystals.

This skull doesn't belong to the world that Ricard would know, but to an ancient civilization that has been post.

But what amazes the scholars is not just the impossible creation.

The skull is told to bring miracles to whom touches it with their bare hands.

Some say that they saw visions from the future.

Some say they saw how human race have orignated.

And some saythe skull can cure their illness.

Those couldn't be cured with the medication avaliable to the era.

So the king ordered his best men to bring the miraculous skull to the palace.



Juliana lying in bed with her father held her hand as he sits by her side.

No candles in the room are lit as the full moon outside enlightens the princess's chamber.

The light shining on the too weak Julianna long blonde hair and blue eyes.

Her skin is pale and has bags under her eyes, showing her illness.

Richard have already suffered the loses of his wife, the queen, ten years ago.

Now he can't stand seeing his only daughter slowly dying.


" I going to die?" Juliana asks her father in a soft voice.

"I won't allow that!" Richard stated firmly, making his daughter smile.

"I know, father" Juliana answered.

"You are a might king. I know that you will do the best by your subjects...and me" she tells him.


"Come in!" Richard called.

Door Open

One of the servants, a brunet boy, enter the chamber.

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