Evil Beneath the Ground

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Morgan is a young university student, one who is identify as a goth

She's a lonely person, someone which people think that this girl wants to be left alone.

But that's far from the truth, Morgan couldn't find someone she felt affinity.

Everyone is so distant from the girl as nobody she knows listen to the music that Morgan love like Bauhaus, This Mortal Coil and The Sisters of Mercy.

*House: Bedroom*

Morgan currently packing her suitcase, folding some clothes and puting them into it one after the other.

Today the girl along with her classmate will be going on a school trip to a cabin as they will have picnic by the lake and there will be a forest nearby.


Morgan's sitting in one of the seats on the bus as once again, she's alone as they were on the way to their destination.

During the two hours they were traveling on the road, Morgan found out that the other students around here were already friends.

They all simplg ignored her so the girl decide not to approach them at all.

As a result, all Morgan could do is even looking outside the window, or play games on her phone.


Morgan has mixed feelings about this picnic by the lake, she couldn't feel herself as part of the joyful youth enjoying the nature trip.

Time Later...

The group of students are playing a game together with a ball.

They had formed a circle, passing the ball to one another, without trying to let the ball touch the ground.

Having fun, excitment and joy as nearby sitting down on a stump, is Morgan not participated in the game.


Morgan is enjoying this nature trip somehow.

The girl loves nature so much so Morgan decided go and explore the outdoor all by herself.



Morgan finally made it to the lake as she immediately reaction with a amaze look displayed on her face.

It's so beautiful and breath taking as there is a huge lake in front of the girl.

Morgan went and gets out her camera from her bag before...


Taking pictures of the lake so when the girl comes home from the trip, she can print out the photos.


As the sun set, a camp fire is lit as the students are gathered around, sitting on the logs together.

Drinking beer and eating cook marshmallows as the friends are hanging out.

But Morgan sat alone on her loner self, far away from them.

A handsome guy had opened his case and gets out an guitar before...

Camp fire and moon illuminate the darkness as the sun had already set.

Morgan wonder just then if she should go and join the other students, to try to make friends.


In the end, Morgan stand up to her spot and wander away from the picnic, feeling the call of the forest nearby.

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